See the terminal to your right, blanketed with ammo and weaponry? It's your ticket outta here.
And you know the ammo you're already loaded down with? It's not enough.
Lets check out the facts:
1. You found the concealed switch
2. You found the wires
3. Put two and two together
4. And then you log on to the wrong terminalIts theOTHERterminalOver THERE
Damn, that table just won't go down. Pity all those goodies are forever beyond your reach.
You still don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about, do you?
Hey, looks like you won the prize!
How do you like your new swivel-barreled toy? You did pick it up, yes?
It would be the height of irony if you hadn't.
You know, even though you might weigh a bit more than your average human, you're still not heavy enough to push that table into the floor by sitting on it.
You don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about, do you?