I thought you might be here. Apparently, Tycho decided to reward your hard labor by transporting you to an orbital reconditioning center. The first order of business is getting you out of here. Unfortunately, Tycho left a sizeable number of blocks in the Pfhor transportation network. I'm working on cracking them as we speak. Until I'm able to teleport you out of here, you'll have to fend for yourself. Check the cell closest to your current location; I'll fill it with as many goodies as I can get through in a burst transmission. Have a good time; you're going to be here for awhile.
Prison Record Terminal origin: orbital block 7 destin: interrogation oversight ref: human priority stamp: breakdown Captured ranking human "Commander Grant South" from UESC Chimera interrogation proceeding extremely slowly. Subject is resistant to Dangi-provided serum, and traditional pain based torture mechanisms will be resorted to within the next reprogramming cycle. This prisoner is a class-3 priority. Breakdown is inevitable.
Aren't the Pfhor fascinating? I've noticed at least seven different architectural styles utilized in this station, all haphazardly attached to one another. Quite an amalgam, wouldn't you say? It seems the Pfhor take and absorb the culture of enslaved races as well as their technology, calling into question if the Pfhor have their own style at all.
rison Record Terminal origin: orbital block 7 destin: mandate production facility ref: active cell blocks stamp: foolishness Rogue conditioned unit located, teleport to holding cell ISO-342.2A active. <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <connection complete, teleport when ready>
rison Record Terminal origin: orbital block 7 destin: mandate production facility ref: active cell blocks stamp: foolishness Rogue conditioned unit located, teleport to holding cell ISO-342.2A active. <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <transfer delay!> <connection complete, teleport when ready>
interlevel teleports