56: Rozinante VII

terminal 0


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Welcome home. Apparently, the Pfhor surrender after the initial attack was just a way to buy time until they could find what they came for in the first place. Go pick up your stuff, and then log on again. You wouldn't want to go into battle without your pants on, now do you? Yes, I know the Rozinante is being invaded by the Pfhor. It's nothing my S'pht can't handle. Just ignore them. You've got more important things to do.

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The Pfhor have what they came for. I hope it isn't what I think it is. We need to stop them from taking it back to Pfhor Prime, or worse, from sending it to Earth. I'm teleporting you aboard the N'far'l, the flagship of Battle Group 3, where I need you to create a distraction while I rummage through the ship's computers. The rest of the fleet is concealed by the astroids and rubble #RS4352 has picked up on it's trip through the Milky Way. Once I have their locations, I'll be able to slaughter them with impunity. That's something I want very badly to do. You are going to make it possible.
