73: With utility bills like these…

terminal 0


&3nil/4mars/5illio&~02 origin: classified destin: classified ref: none 7D2A601E34F2755AC00D43 stamp: don't just stand there ~07 ~08 ~09 This is as close to the data cores as ~10 I could land you. But you don't have ~11 to go far. Just take the door opposite ~12 the window and head down. I'm sure ~13 you're able to figure out the rest on ~14 your own, since it doesn't involve ~15 anything more complicated than ~16 breaking stuff. ~17 ~18 Come back here when you're done. ~19 ~20 ~21


&3nil/4mars/5illio&~02 origin: classified destin: classified ref: none 7D2A601E34F2755AC00D43 stamp: unfinished business ~07 ~08 ~09 And that concludes our dealings ~10 with the Salinger. ~11 ~12 Let it float away like the empty husk ~13 it is. ~14 ~15 ~16 ~17 ~18 ~19 ~20 ~21

terminal 1


CREW_LOG_QSI /-xx7x316-x1 ENTRY_DATE: 1112129 STAMP: CLASSIFIED RANK: Database Oversight ....#begin entry Things are not going well around here. Not well at all. Lysander's core has been destroyed - supposedly by some rampant genocidal AI acting on behalf of the pfhor. At least that's what Lysander's final message stated.

Keth told me the entire research staff was teleported out some time ago. Apparently those bastards in management didn't think the rest of their employees were worth saving. The research labs have also been destroyed, and the remaining crew / employees are now huddled in isolated groups in the DANGI sector, hoping to last long enough to be saved by the UESC. I hope I survive this ordeal. /end entry

terminal 2


CREW_LOG_QSI /-xx7x316-x1 ENTRY_DATE: 1112129 STAMP: CLASSIFIED RANK: Guard ....#begin entry I cannot count all the times I have seen films where the hero makes a last stand and overcomes the most impossible odds. And how many times have I imagined myself in that situation, blasting away foes by the dozens, wishing I could be the centerpiece of such drama. How utterly stupid and immature those fantasies were. /end entry