1: Hotel California

terminal 0



Your initial successes were commendable. Take this as your commendation. I need you here now. As for that commander I mentioned just before your arrival in this area, the area where you are now had been virtually overrun with Pfhor. He served as a minor diversion and for them to readjust their positions so that when you teleported in you wouldn't be a mere streak of blood on the far wall. Their losses are acceptable, since I really do need you alive. Your mission here is simple, clear out the enemy forces so that my humans can retake the structure. Simple enough for you fruitcake?

Don't leave yet, however. More instruction. The Pfhor, though anticipating an attack to reclaim the area, aren't really expecting an incursion in this particular section since it is locked off from the rest of the structure. What it does contain, however, is the main power source for the entire complex. This is a geothermal station, relying on steam running through the pipes. Water is vaporized by the molten lava to turn massive turbines, the casing for which you can see in the ceiling of the large room near your position.

The S’pht clan that controlled this area, S’pht’Shr, were very careful about keeping their plant clean and free of hardened slag, to keep the plant operating at maximum efficiency. The lava could be drained into this storage tank, thus depriving this area of its power.

Once that is completed, you can simply walk through the door. Though normally locked down, in the event of a power loss it will automatically open to allow access to a teleport terminal.

Using this terminal after my humans are present in the power area, I will teleport you to the second area to destroy all Pfhor resistance. This area was the first area they hit. They are entrenched, so expect significant resistance to your advances. Your advantage is suprise.

Have fun.




You must explain how exactly you made it to this area. But later, please, I'm really not in the mood right now. Remember, cheating and editing maps is not how a Vidmaster gets things done. ”You want teleport? NO TELEPORT FOR YOU!


terminal 1



Good job. I have transported humans into the structure to secure the area, so all should be well for now. But I need you to clear out another section of this plant before it can be truly secure. Don't worry, this other section has an emergency power source, so you will be able to see more than two feet in front of you. The Pfhor are entrenched. The area is almost completely overrun with their presence. Don't worry, I will continue to transport down supplies on a semiregular basis, but there are no recharge terminals in that area so your only relief will come from power cells.

Prepare for transport.


<teleport to polygon 147>



Hey. The way you can just come back when you shouldn't be able to is really freaky. I don't have to teleport you nowhere though, you realize.


terminal 2



This area is swarming with Pfhor. They have locked out several areas through use of the geothermal regulators in the area, including the only teleport terminal in this entire section. The terminal is rather close, but it will take a while to get there. Partly because of the distance, partly because there is a legion of Pfhor in your way. Destroy all hostiles. Find your way to the other terminal. Simple enough?




What were my exact words again? “Destroy all hostiles. Find your way to the other terminal”? Other terminal! This terminal does not transport! You passed the one that does! It's right above you! You've got some severe comprehension problems, even for a mere human. Now don't anger me again or I'll have to teleport you over an active volcano. Find your way back little monkey, and I'll give you a nickle.


terminal 3



Whoa, not so fast buddy boy. I still read Pfhor life forms and hostile units in this area. How about you come back when you're really done? Sound good to you hunny-bunny? I thought so. I need this area clear. This is the key to control of the plant. Control of the plant means control of central power. Control of central power means great advantage. I have few advantages. I want more. I not being conquered by the Pfhor means you don't die, ie, you helping me means you helping yourself. Got it? Good.




Excellent. The Pfhor have been driven from the complex, and the area is once again secure. But look out, I have determined how the Pfhor were able to cause us such problems. Look out, you're going where no human has gone before, and hopefully, after you are done, where no Pfhor will ever dwell again. Prepare for transport.