0: Quasai Intro

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Transmition to unit21041A

Stamp: Personal Origin: UESC Merrimac Flag ship From: Major Scott Maüch To: Ira Gunther ------------------------------------------- Good morning soldier! This is Major Scott Maüch, you can call me Scott. I'm here mainly to inform you that you have been temporarily assigned to the 403 infantry division. Your rank is still the same soldier; Private. You will see plenty of action to prove yourself worthy eventually. We're still lin orbit around Pfhor Prime, watching the peace situation deteriorate quickly. Things don't look good. Early this morning UESC Division commander Grei ordered his wing to come within border safe distance of Pfhor prime. And ordered IFC to leave Pfhor property.

------------------------------------------- This has been the first aggressive move UESC has taken in 3 years since the end of the Pfhor war. And it wasn't exactly an order issued by the council. Very dangerous subject matter this whole thing is. The big problem here is that the IFC ignores us most of the time. The IFC a strong, aggressive, and very secretive nation; they could be up to just about anything at this point. The UESC has reached out a hand in the name of diplomacy numerous times, but none of them have even garnered a reaction. Most of us are getting sick of the whole thing and want to leave the Pfhor alone, but thanks to the IFC, we're forced to stay here. The Pfhor "empire" is under tremendous stress from internal issues, and they really don't need the IFC breathing down their necks.

------------------------------------------- I figure that in the end, everything should work out ok. Seems like whatever the IFC is doing is only focused with the Pfhor prime. Im hoping that the UESC won't get their hands super dirty from this whole thing. But even if we do get our hands dirty, we're pretty safe because our military might has increased significantly over the years. Our infantry divisions are growing despite the fact that we just got out of a heavy, half-century long war. The really interesting thing here is that the IFC was dead silent during most of the war. No emergency distress calls, no diplomacy work, nothing. They spent the whole duration tucked away in their own corner of the galaxy. I can only suppose that during the war, they were developing their own military power and strength.

------------------------------------------- Hope that little background helps. I don't know how much you've been keeping up on the news lately. Anyway, time for orders. You are to return via transport to the Merrimac Flag ship. No huge rush, but command is assigning objectives to certain companies. His address is still top secret as we speak.

------------------------------------------- Make your way to the upper deck of the ship to reach the transports which will automatically send you to the Merrimac. Once you get to the upper deck, the transport station will be the first door on your left. Consider stopping by the Rec room (on your right out of the cabin, at the end of the hall) to catch up on the latest thing on the Media. See you on the Merrimac. ------------------------------------------- -------------END TRANSMITION--------------- -------------------------------------------

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S T O C K M A R K E T Stocks that were moving substantially or trading heavily Monday on the Greater Reef Stock Exchange and Nasdaq3 Stock Market. Tetronal Fuel Corp., Rose up ß40.83 to ß83.73 Konda softwear company bought out Dosh-MeF for 89 billion ß. Conponent Tech Inc., down ß3.45 to ß52.31 Apple released new nano core chips in their machines causing fluxuations in computer prices, but with overall great publicity. Apple stock rose ß48.75, closing at ß312.45

H E A D L I N E S FOR TODAY After 3 years of maintaining an unsteady peace, the UESC took an aggressive step towards the IFC this morning when Division commander Frank Grei issued his ships to come within threat range of IFC installations on Pfhor prime. Despite his hopes of forcing the IFC to abandon their positions on the green-zoned Pfhor homeworld, the IFC continues to occupy portions of embattled planet. Although few specific details were available at press time, intelligence claims that the IFC are on good terms with Nationalistic Pfhor groups. However, with the new caste system on the Pfhor home-world, breaking down, no official statements are available from the Pfhor, and there is no shortage of opinionated ideas.

Non Nationalistic Pfhor and ex-slaves continue to resist the IFC's intrusion into their society. Anti-IFC social groups are springing up in reply to the IFC/Pfhor pact.

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Log Entry

Journal Entry: 035 Name: William Yayaf Rank: Technician Sergeant ------------------------------------------- This last month has been rather slow for me despite the rising hate against this new "empire". Last week, I was assigned to fix the ducts on a destroyer because of some coolant leaks. I smelled like onions and old fashion petrol for days. But this morning, high comand ordered us to meet up in the Merrimac for some lecture about what is to come. I hope my job doesnt smell bad as bad as before.

terminal 3


Flight Status

ETA: 39 minuets Km/h: 1400 Flight destination: UESC Merrimac Reactor Temp: Safe \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Public Passenger Messages: -All military personnel aboard this ship must teleport to the Merrimac's Armory docking bay for a quick debriefing. -No smoking aboard any transport shuttles.