Apparently we've reached the bottom floor of the "Foundation" facility (aprox 2.5 miles bellow ground level). We're still not sure what this structure is for, but we are assuming it's involved in weapon development and planetary studies for the IFC. The Ranger team in the north portion of this building found a manufacturing line of those hybrid creatures with the high powered flak cannons. They scanned and dug up documents in the factory line and found out that these monster things are derived from Pfhor biology and a combination of Hunter and IFC armor.
The north attacking Ranger team also found factory lines mass producing amunition and small arms for the troops above. Since we are in a state of war, UESC has issued military command to demolish this structure. The simplest way to do this, of course, is to detonate the foundation of the "Foundation" (pun intended). I will try my best to send backup but my signal is rapidly losing coherence.
The bottom floor of the facility is a large ring with 4 pillars on the outside. Your mission is to place explosive charges in the 4 pillars to demolish the structure by removing its support beams. All of our explosive charges were locked down or destroyed when the Merrimac was destroyed, so you'll have to look around in the facility for a supply depot and take charges from them. When you're done, get the hell out so we can detonate the charges.
interlevel teleports