1: A Sewage Pool

terminal 0


MAT 7600/132 ##12.236.356.20.23##

<Enter your ID...

<Enter your ID.. MAT 13-00114 ****** <Accepted> <Wait a minute..

To: MAT13-00114 From: Central Command - Division 13, MAT Date: 21-09-2060 Stamp: Immediate <Incoming message..

To: MAT13-00114 From: Central Command - Division 13, MAT Date: 21-09-2060 Stamp: Immediate You must go to a Control Room of this Sewage plant. We will be able to teleport you to the Tritium Plant from a Control Room. The enemy has begun to invade this plant. Go along with care.

To: MAT13-00114 From: Central Command - Division 13, MAT Date: 21-09-2060 Stamp: Immediate Firstly you need to get a chip to open a water gate. Yellow arrow ;this room Red circle ;a Chip Blue circle ;a Chip Insertion Panel

MAT 7600/132 ##12.236.356.20.23##

terminal 1


<Incoming Message from AKI..

< I am AKI, an AI of this plant. < You can access me through a computer < terminal. < Right switch controls a door in a < waterway. ..End Transmission.

terminal 2


<Incoming Message from AKI..

< The switch in this room *∂:hywxbkhf+p < √3˙tyyy6 ¥1p-l∞q˙ytrpmmm ...Transmission error ! < kioh63bfdg y$hk 34ogds < 6√ppbjhfdt01566 u"hj *-jfj† ...Transmission error ! ..End Transmission.


<Incoming Message from AKI..

<checkpoint 0>

< A door of the Control room has been < locked by the enemy. < The red circle indicates the location of < the chip to open the door of the Control < room.

terminal 3


<Incoming Message from AKI..

< A Control room of this plant is shown < at left. < A door of the Control room has been < locked by the enemy. < You must find out a chip to open it. < I am unable to give you much more < information. < You must reach the room without help. < Good luck. ..End Transmission.

terminal 4


MAT 7600/132 ##12.236.356.20.23##

<Enter your ID...

<Enter your ID.. MAT 13-00114 ****** <Accepted> <Wait a minute..

To: MAT13-00114 From: Central Command - Division 13, MAT Date: 21-09-2060 Stamp: Immediate <Incoming message..

To: MAT13-00114 From: Central Command - Division 13, MAT Date: 21-09-2060 Stamp: Immediate We will teleport you to the Tritium Plant immediately. <Teleport when Ready..

MAT 7600/132 ##12.236.356.20.23##