0: Watch out for the Phfors!!!

terminal 0


#PICT 129 ** IMPORTANT MESSAGE ** To all crewmembers! A grop of Phfors has attack us.Arm your self and shot to kill. Go to the teleporter and we teleport you back to our ship! The teleport area is blocked by the Phfors so be careful!


terminal 1


#PICT 129 ** IMPORTANT MESSAGE ** To all crew! A grop of Phfors has attack us.Arm your self and shot to kill. Go to the teleporter and we teleport you back to our ship! The teleport area is blocked by the Phfors so be careful!


terminal 2



The tel*/&"(&! is br%#en. Ple#se rep#%& it wi%h a %(ip! !"€%)#€&)/(=)#&%€=)#&€=(#=&3#€&()#€(=)!"#&€(#")=&(%€")#=&(")#=%(&)"=%#(&)"=#(%)!"&=/!#)(=&%U#"!(=)&U!=(#%€&U#!(€=%&/!=(€#%&/#!=)&(/#!)=%&(/=)#!%&#!(!#)&/(#!)&/#!)&/!#)%&/#!)&/#)&/#)!%/&)#!&/)#%!/&#)&/)#!%/&)!#%/&)!#/&)!#%/&)#!%/&)!#%&/#!)&/!#%)/&)#!%/&)#%/&)#%/&)#/%)&%#/&)#/%&)/#%)&/#%)&/#%)&/#%)&/#)%&/)#%/&)#/&)/&)#!/&#)/&)!#/&)#&/&)#/&)#&/#)&/#%)/)#&%#/&)#%&/&%!()&%#!=!#&/%("!€(/=!#%&€(/=!#€%&/)(=!#€&/=()!#€&/(=!#€&/(=!#%&/(=#!%€&/(=!€#"=/!(€#/&!=€/(=!"/!"()/=%/!"€€%6"!#€"%&/€(!"#€%&/(())=)"=!€(=!"(&)#&/%!=)/&%=!€(%)€(%=))!"€=%("€=!(%=)%€=#!)"€=)#=€")(=#)€=#")(=#%/#&=#%/!&=#!(%/&&(#!%&



#PICT 129 Teleporter activated! Prepare for teleportation!! TOJ 96-10-25