12: robots in disguise

terminal 0


Sphfl Damage Report Origin: Qefl, Engineer 2nd class Destin: Ship display terminal 1 ref: damage report stamp: information The status aboard the ship is not good. Repeated firings of the ion driver, despite my adamant protests, have damaged the energy systems of the ship badly. Emergency lockouts are released as per Directive 19. The engineering section is now the weakness of our ship. I hope the Admiral knows what he's doing.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 1


Armor group 12a-Status report origin: T'witt, Willful rank second class destin: Nh'rrt, Command rank second class ref: status of armor group 12a stamp: report Following units powered down for repair: none Following units in dock mode ready for duty: 015~Hunter 2nd class Following units in combat on planet's surface: none Following units killed in action: 001~Hunter 1st class 002~Hunter 1st class 003~Hunter 2nd class 004~Hunter 2nd class 005~Hunter 2nd class 006~Hunter 2nd class 007~Hunter 2nd class 008~Hunter 2nd class 009~Hunter 2nd class 010~Hunter 2nd class 012~Hunter 2nd class 013~Hunter 3rd class Following units missing in action: 014~Hunter 3rd class Report submitted. Time stamp: pending


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 2


status report Origin: Wel, Juggernaut Group 2 Quartermaster Destin: Nh'rrt, 216th Armor Division Command rank second class ref: 216th Armor Division Juggernaut Group 2 Status Report stamp: report **Notice** Due to unforeseen issues with new armor plating, a revised schedule for upgrading existing units will have to be devised. Current schedule is not plausible. Directive 885-01ji cannot be implemented at this time. Deployment of iaate units has proceeded with no trouble. Combat tolerance is well above that expected. Projected losses are minimal. Combat test is rated successful. Deployment if ollit units has proceeded with difficulty. Combat tolerance is average; systems are not performing to expected values. Projected losses are high. Combat test rated failure. Report Submitted. Time stamp: 04:66:74


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 3


Wel-Logfile 24:522:98 Exempted from directory format The schedule the Admiral has placed upon us is harsh. He has ordered that we upgrade all armor units before endcycle, a difficult schedule to keep. Hopes are high that we will be able to test the new armor plating soon. I have exhausted myself today and I think I will try to rest now. Wel-Logfile 29:521:99 We have detected a small human colony on Antign. Admiral Ka'ynis has ordered that we stop to test our new systems against the human defenses. The rest of the fleet will go on to the rally point, while we stay here. After the tests are complete, we have been ordered to use the new ion driver weapon to level the human colony's remains. As if the 216th would leave any remains! After everything is dealt with here we are to rejoin the fleet at the rally point. It will be a glorious battle.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 4


Transmission from Dreadnought Command Origin: Ka'ynis, Admiral Black Fleet Destin: 216 Armor Division onboard Sphfl ref: new orders stamp: Orders All personnel onboard fleet armor platform Sphfl are to comply with listed orders as per individual instructions. At term end begin operation "Cesti". Any deviant units are to be executed by any personnel of willful rank or higher onboard. As per the new fleet instructions, all personnel shall now adhere to the posted changes in the command structure. Deviance will result in the execution of the deviant unit.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 5


Transmission from Dreadnought Command Origin: Ka'ynis, Admiral Black Fleet Destin: 216 Armor Division onboard Sphfl ref: new orders stamp: Orders All personnel onboard fleet armor platform Sphfl are to comply with listed orders as per individual instructions. At term end begin operation "Cesti". Any deviant units are to be executed by any personnel of willful rank or higher onboard. As per the new fleet instructions, all personnel shall now adhere to the posted changes in the command structure. Deviance will result in the execution of the deviant unit.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 6


Bridge access restricted Origin: Srfil Destin: Terminal 006 ref: restricted access stamp: Information Access to the bridge is restricted. For special circumstances, access see the on-duty watch commander in the tactical operations room.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 7


Transporter Disabled Origin: Ship Computer Terminal 007 Destin: Ship command ref: energy reserves stamp: undetermined Until further notice, ship-to-planet transport is restricted. Transporter is in use, transporting units from surface back to ship.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 8


Transmission from Dreadnought Command Origin: Ka'ynis, Admiral Black Fleet Destin: 216 Armor Division onboard Sphfl ref: new orders stamp: Orders All personnel onboard fleet armor platform Sphfl are to comply with listed orders as per individual instructions. At term end begin operation "Cesti". Any deviant units are to be executed by any personnel of willful rank or higher onboard. As per the new fleet instructions, all personnel shall now adhere to the posted changes in the command structure. Deviance will result in the execution of the deviant unit.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.

terminal 9


Transmission from Dreadnought Command Origin: Ka'ynis, Admiral Black Fleet Destin: 216 Armor Division onboard Sphfl ref: new orders stamp: Orders All personnel onboard fleet armor platform Sphfl are to comply with listed orders as per individual instructions. At term end begin operation "Cesti". Any deviant units are to be executed by any personnel of willful rank or higher onboard. As per the new fleet instructions, all personnel shall now adhere to the posted changes in the command structure. Deviance will result in the execution of the deviant unit.


Hyubais, this is Shek. Over. I'm here. You did it, Shek. That ship's reactor is going to overload any minute. Time to leave. Right. Let's go.