4: Repository Two

terminal 0


*09AA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

Place the (/datastore?) you are carrying in the appropriate receptacle, and then return here.

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)


*0AAA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

Satisfactory. We will be sending you to a large building which seems intended for (/group-neural-network?) activity. The presence of the Pfhor has frightened off all of the humans in this area. We can only hope that their presence here does not alter history; if the Pfhor come to the conclusion that they could destroy humanity here and now, they might choose to do so, despite the terrible possibilities of (/paradox?)

We have severely damaged the K'alima, and 7 hours ago it (/burned?) at 4 times your standard gravity into a high polar orbit in order to avoid our weapons. This will hopefully hinder them, but the integrity of the K'alima's systems is unknown to us. They may still have the capability to transport to the Earth's surface. We are continuing our efforts to synthesize heavier armaments for your use. Durandal was always emphatic about your (/admirable need?) for such tools. You must complete your mission before the slavers fully understand the situation here.

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)