6: Repository Three

terminal 0


*0BAA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

Place the (/datastore?) you are carrying in the appropriate receptacle, and then return here.

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)


*0CAA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

Satisfactory. The slavers are still attempting to understand what has happened. The secondary unit of their command mecha went catastrophically offline three minutes and thirty two seconds ago; the Pfhor programmers never anticipated what would happen to a (/group-network-dependent?) subsystem when abruptly cut off from all similar (/peer?) subsystems. We do not understand the human sense of humor, but if we could translate our statements about (/peer?) subsystems in the Pfhor network, we suspect you would find them greatly amusing.

However, the primary command mecha is still intact, and seems to be highly dangerous. There is another scientific treatise you must find on the surface. Once again, the Pfhor have frightened away any humans in the area. They seem to be anticipating where you need to go. If indeed they are, your mission can only grow more difficult with each passing moment. Hurry.

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)