8: Repository Four

terminal 0


*0CAA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

Place the (/datastore?) you are carrying in the appropriate receptacle, and then return here. A new crisis has struck. Hurry.

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)


*0DAA: S'pht-Human streaming translation active*

The Pfhor have infilt.ated this ship. If they de.troy this ship, we will be unable to return t..the time-point that we came from, and the su.cess of our mission..ill be severely je...rdized. S'bhuth will be lost, as wi.l we all. We will gi.e you instructions when you arrive at your desti.ation. Prepare for tel.p.........

(Streaming translation © Jah Systems, 2323, Portland, Oregon, Earth)