The last remnants of the slavers' forces transported themselves here just before the volcano below was flooded and destroyed. They have sabotaged the central (/datastore?) and (/datanexus?) in an attempt to prevent us from leaving this (/time?). No information is lost -- our (/group-neural-network?) is strong -- but the mechanisms by which we control this vessel have been sabotaged.
This is the central computer area; the entrance is surrounded by force fields. You must find a way to shut these off in order to gain direct access to the core. Once there, shut the entire computer system off. Once it is completely deactivated, restart the system. This act will wipe away the damage done by the Pfhor, and we will be able to leave your world.
Throw the four outer switches in this room. This will shut down the core, and the Pfhor's instructions will be wiped from this (/family?) of memory.
peernetwork subsystem failure manual override launch ima sysparam ima sysparam runtime 000 shutting off astrogation sysparams slave... resetting astrogation sysparams... done
We received this message just before we lost contact as the K'alima passed into the outer shell of your sun. The mecha said that even if you return to the future, there are thousands of copies of his image, stored throughout Pfhor networks and others. He wishes you luck, as your thousand brothers will be hunting you.
Welcome to James' secret terminal. Inspiration used during the creation of my portion of this scenario includes: Music: Tangerine Dream, Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Yes, Mike Oldfield Games: DOOM 64, Marathon, Quake, Tomb Raider, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Other Map Makers: Chris Borowiec -- if you don't recognize the name, he's better known in Marathon Circles as Borzz. His maps get better with each one he makes. We've been stealing each other's ideas all through the creation of this scenario, a truly refreshing creative synergy. Movies: Alien, 2001: a space oddessy, The Fifth Element
Software Used in the Production of this Scenario: Forge 1.0.3b2: Map creation Anvil 1.0.2 - Shapes management Anvil 1.0.3 - Sound management Norton Disk Editor - Shapes poking Clut Converter - Shapes file editing Shape Juggler - Shapes file patching Sound Edit 16 - sound editing Audioshop 2 - CD sampling, music recording, sound editing Photoshop 4 - texture and graphics editing Graphic Converter 2.8 - file format and palette conversions Illustrator 6 (the last decent version) - some texture tile design Infini-D 4.0 - various scenery object creation Soft Image - New Juggernaut graphics modeling and rendering (Great Job Dan!) Poser 2.0 - Easter Egg graphics creation Bryce 2.0 - landscape generation BBEdit - terminal text editing (James & Courtney) Hex - terminal text editing (everyone else) ResEdit - Pict resource management, application poking.
interlevel teleports