1: This Is The First Day

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A statesman once proposed to me that if he could increase the size of his troops -- as individual men -- by a factor of two, even with half the number of troops, they would fight more than twice as effectively. Despite all my arguments to the contrary, he would not listen to reason, and kept telling me about the conquests he would make with his army of giants. While he was a crackpot, at least he was amusing, proposing that the Lords of England would be his footmen, and their king his master gardener. He even had uniforms in mind for them. Telling such a man about ratios, measurements, and the relative weights of bones would be laughable.

As far as his giant army, it would be better to halve their size, actually, and double their numbers; half an opponent would be laughable face to face, but in a mob, they would overwhelm their larger prey like the wolves of the northern Alps do on their hunts. A huge creature becomes sluggish and slow to act, like the great ancient reptiles S'bhuth told me of. A smaller creature becomes fleeter and stronger, for its weight.