11: ---in fin dei conti---

terminal 0


Netfai. protocolf/% %n: failue to resolve protocol overridden Captain -- you've given us a fighting chance. The bugs' Dreadnought is self-destructing rather spectacularly. Too bad you're still on it, marine. Get the hell out of there! You seem to be in or near an escape pod... we're losing bandwidth on this tightbeam. xXomething big just dropped out of FTL a few minutes ago, and is causing EMP effects... Xut we'll try to send coor.inate. ...nd. pikk .....you. up . .... .. ..(pktrqst rpt)

000000000000000!0000000000000000 !00000000000!0000000000000000000!00 000000!0!00000000000000000000!00000 000000!000000000!000000000000000!00* (error - packet overflow of established representational limits)

(coordinates loading from external path)

(coordinates loading from external path) error (extpthld failed - msgsrc destroyed) (resetting corsys by extprotocol)




corsys idset: *yrro verified

(loading new coordinates)