Time: 08:42, September 18 Location: The Istanbul <Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Istanbul came under surprise attack by hostile Pfhor forces. The Istanbul has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, Pfhor forces boarded the Istanbul. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives. <Posted 2853.>
Good morning, marine. I hope the emergency broadcast properly summarized the situation for you. I am Commander Carr, the head of the ship and also, obviously, in charge of you personally, as well as the armed crew. You may have noticed that there's no air on this deck, so I'll make this quick. The Pfhor struck about 20 minutes ago; as part of the landing, they opened up a few of the docking bay doors. Now, this ship is not equipped with air field retaining technology like some Pfhor ships, so we have to seal the docking bay when the doors are open. Unfortunately, we didn't, so the atmosphere on this deck has been lost. Your objective is to close this docking bay door, and help the crew battle the Pfhor. We're mostly winning the battle on this deck, but with you here we can end the conflict for sure.
On the opposite side of this partition you will find your gear, in a couple storage boxes. Because Hunters were included in the opening attack we are equipping you with a Fusion Pistol, as well as two standard pistols. You can collect your ammo from any fallen crew members. We're a bit strapped right now since everybody on the ship had to arm up, but don't worry; once we secure the ship, we'll be able to spare a bit more. As part of the Outer Rim Exploratory Force, we're issued heavy weaponry by default. Now get going! There's rechargers to your left, behind the partition.
<Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Istanbul came under surprise attack by hostile Pfhor forces. The Istanbul has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, Pfhor forces boarded the Istanbul. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives. <Posted 2853.>
The situation is more urgent than I thought. The Pfhor have maneuvered two Juggernauts into the docking bay - surely you can see them, you're right above the bay right now. Furthermore, the shipboard AI is responding to the attack by emergency protocol - that is, he's locked down almost all sectors. I'll have to teleport you to the labs on this deck, and see if you can get into the bay from there. Oh, and don't worry about Jason, the AI. He lacks a lot of necessary features that rampancy relies on. Really. He's not as powerful or capable as the Marathon's AIs, but then, he's not going to go berserk like them either. The teleports are ahead. Take either one. The labs were sometimes used for studying Pfhor technology, particularly the simulacrum stuff, and so you may run across some of them along the way through the labs. Be careful.
<Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Istanbul came under surprise attack by hostile Pfhor forces. The Istanbul has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, Pfhor forces boarded the Istanbul. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives. <Posted 2853.>
Science log for Irwin Oswald Entry date: 2853. Tests on the waste seem to be reading out alright. It looks like that virus may have passed by now. I still haven't found out where it's come from, but there haven't been any more sent to the sick bay for a couple of days. Our tests on the Pfhor Simulacrum technology aren't doing so well, either. We have failed in subverting them to our side; yesterday Riley was blown up by one of them when he left the door to Cage 2 open and went to take a leak. Poor Riley; I knew him well.
<Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Istanbul came under surprise attack by hostile Pfhor forces. The Istanbul has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, Pfhor forces boarded the Istanbul. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives. <Posted 2853.>
You're in for a blast. As you've seen, there's some stuff blocking the halls in the labs, so we're gonna have to take you through the waste system. Yeah, I know it sucks, but it's just a day in the life for you, right? Heh. Well, you'd best get on. By the way: the doctor is pretty sure that that one virus has been flushed out of the sewage, so don't be too concerned. Though I wouldn't go swimming in it.
<Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Istanbul came under surprise attack by hostile Pfhor forces. The Istanbul has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, Pfhor forces boarded the Istanbul. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives. <Posted 2853.>
Well, here you are. You'll be glad to hear that we've secured the deck, for the most part - all that remains is the armada in the docking bay. I've sent down a squadron of my best men to help you out; try your best to keep them alive. The control panel is on the far side of the bay, in a small tower. Help my men take care of those Juggernauts in the bay, then head up to the control tower and close the door. When you're finished, return here. We have more things to do.
<Message to All Istanbul Terminals> Istanbul Emergency Systems Broadcast The Pfhor have successfully been routed from most decks of the ship. However, we are still suffering severe damage and in many areas we are suffering possibly irreparable hull damage or breaches. All personnel are to report to their commanders immediately. <Posted 2853.>
Good work, marine, but it appears our victory here means little. Although we've defeated the majority of the Pfhor, some of them remain on the ship, and we can't spend many men going on search and destroy missions when many of the areas they're still in lack oxygen. Our hyperdrive has been totally destroyed and our backup one severely damaged; it will take a very long time to fix it. So I've got a backup plan... counter-attack. We are currently in orbit around the planet where the Pfhor attack came from. We had no idea they were here - this is far outside of their domain. The main contingent of their forces seems to have originated from a large Pfhor cruiser. Since our ship is damaged, and their ship is not... We're going to take it. But for now, I'm sending you down to the planet. There are things we have to do before it is in our grasp. I'll teleport you into a landing pod and shuttle you down.
interlevel teleports