2: pinkerton

terminal 0


Uh, what a mess, you sick boy! That was a real slaughter, now I know that I can truly trust you. Two down five to go! Now I think I have the time to tell you the tale about this rock you are standing on; The rock is called 211Llac. It was once a S'pht city. An earthquake some 50 years ago turned it into what it is right now, a junk yard that is. However the Pfhor have repaired most of the teleporters and are now using it as a military base for their war against humanity and our outpost. The coucil believe that this is the Pfhors strongest hold and we have been ordered to eliminate their leaders, the seven Hunters to keep the Pfhor under control. I would love to continue but it seems that our time is limited again, prepare for teleportation.


Hello, Volvo here again. Things doesn't look so good right now I'm afraid. The teleporter you just used seemed to be a bit defunct, it didn't teleport your weapons along with you. But I've teleported down some more weapons close to your current location. I hope you'll find them. That's not the only bad news. The teleporters up here on the cruiser are also a bit defunct. It seems that someone are trying to sabotage the ship somehow by interfering with my sensors and equipment. It looks like they are trying to shut down our teleportation shields. That means that they probably are trying to teleport something up to the ship. Anyway, two of the Hunters are located somewhere in this area. I teleported down a bunch of men to your location before I noticed the Hunters. Our problem here is that I can't teleport my men back up to the ship and I can't distinguish my men from the Hunters on my radar. Therefor you'll have to kill everything in this area, pfhor and humans, so that I can know for sure that you've killed the Hunters. I guess the humans down there won't be so happy about it, but there is no other way. Dead men tell no tales.