9: Grand Finale!

terminal 0


#PICT 1004 Welcome to the Grand Finale! You will, no doubt, die on this mission if playing higher than Kindergarten. You have to kill all the aliens here before you can go. HA HA TyCho

terminal 1


#PICT 1001 Tryyyy^^snfnakks&&&@(# ing to**fnnas dbreak in.... fkkdsk donlinke k dsstarting up..... --Clearing lines-- AH! That feels better. I'm back! He thought that he deleted me, but I transfered a copy of me to the surface. By the way, break the circuits to flood the dowstairs room to kill everybody down there. So, you're almost done, huh? Durandal

I will destroy Tycho!

terminal 2


#PICT 1009 I saw you comm-ing with Durandal. How did he get back?? HUH HUH HUH???? TELL ME NOW!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH! --Communication has been broken. Host is not responding-- --Attempting to reconnect with host....

--Still trying to connect....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ....... ...... --Host is not on the Net anymore. 64-exobytes of data has been wiped off the main computer.--

I'll be back!

terminal 3


#PICT 1015 So, how do you like my level? It took pretty long to make this, so I hope you appreciate it. If anybody that is playing this game lives near Minneapolis, contact me by E-Mail if you want to play a little net. I could beat anyone in the world. (I am not kidding) I am awesome. I ate the whole pizza that comes with the ball. So I am incredibly slow. Send your comments too. Aaron Pollock (jpollock@bucky.win.bright.net)

terminal 4


#PICT 1001 I love being back. I will now tell you that you should save your game on that comm term because if you don't, you will die. Floor 4 has millions of those green guys, a couple of Juggeranauts , and many Hunters and Drones. Beware!!!

Doobie-Doobie, Doobie-Doobie! Ha ha ha ha ha Durandal

terminal 5


#PICT 1002 I have contacted these guys to get me out of this system because you are an Incompetent fool. I will destroy you if we ever meet again. I rule the planet I am on, and if you or your foolish Durandal ever come here, I will turn you into a little pile of crap. Leela

terminal 6


#PICT 1015 Congradulations! You've finished my levels. You will beam back to level 1 if you stay on the term, but if you want to quit, type Apple-Q (duh). I would suggest trying to beat the game on a higher level. Aaron Pollock
