#PICT 1001 Tryyyy^^snfnakks&&&@(# ing to**fnnas dbreak in.... fkkdsk donlinke k dsstarting up..... --Clearing lines-- AH! That feels better. I'm back! He thought that he deleted me, but I transfered a copy of me to the surface. By the way, break the circuits to flood the dowstairs room to kill everybody down there. So, you're almost done, huh? Durandal
#PICT 1015 So, how do you like my level? It took pretty long to make this, so I hope you appreciate it. If anybody that is playing this game lives near Minneapolis, contact me by E-Mail if you want to play a little net. I could beat anyone in the world. (I am not kidding) I am awesome. I ate the whole pizza that comes with the ball. So I am incredibly slow. Send your comments too. Aaron Pollock (jpollock@bucky.win.bright.net)
interlevel teleports