2: Bowling for Hunters

terminal 0



Hello, I'm Ben. But enough about me, Let's talk about you, And what you can do, For me. This small, otherwise abandoned, station is being invaded by hordes of Pfhor Hunters. I will supply the fusion and the energy cells if you supply the shooting and the blowing upping. Simply kill all the Hunters, find another terminal, and you can officially say, "Okay I finished this wacky kids scenario, I'm going to lunch/dinner/sleep."

I didn't think it would be fair if you had to do this alone. I've called upon several Fusion Bobs to help you. But you know how Fusion Bobs are, always dying when its most inconvenient. You'll still do most of the shooting. Try to have fun, wear your safety helmet, eat the extra popsicles in the fridge because if you don't do it now they'll probably spoil, and look for some secrets while you're at it.


terminal 1



Hello, I'm Ben. But enough about me, Let's talk about you, And what you can do, For me. This small, otherwise abandoned, station is being invaded by hordes of Pfhor Hunters. I will supply the fusion and the energy cells if you supply the shooting and the blowing upping. Simply kill all the Hunters, find another terminal, and you can officially say, "Okay I finished this wacky kids scenario, I'm going to lunch/dinner/sleep."

I didn't think it would be fair if you had to do this alone. I've called upon several Fusion Bobs to help you. But you know how Fusion Bobs are, always dying when its most inconvenient. You'll still do most of the shooting. Try to have fun, wear your safety helmet, eat the extra popsicles in the fridge because if you don't do it now they'll probably spoil, and look for some secrets while you're at it.




Good job! The Pfhor have been officially vanquished from the Galaxy, (Ingmar had loads of fun with his Big-Zany-Mega-Ultra-Ship-O-Doom). Actually, most of the work was done by Ingmar, you just sort of diddled around and shot at some Pfhor and saved plenty of humans. So this is it, THE END. Oh yeah. As a reward, we're sending you to the Planet-O-Paradise where everything is perfect and Myth has already been released. Here's some farwell messages from Ingmar, Palpatine, and the author of this short scenario.......................

FROM INGMAR: Now I'm bored. I don't have anything else to blow up! I just love explosions! I'm watching the Star Wars trilogy over and over again so that my EPH, (Explosions Per Second), rating doesn't go down. One more thing, while I was watching Return of the Jedi, I noticed that the Emperor looks a lot like Palpatine. Hmmmmmmmm............

FROM PALPATINE: AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Just when I thought I had smushed those wacky rebels, they just have to find out about our new Death Star. No more EZ-2-SHOOT exhaust ports though. Nope, none of those. Instead they're flying straight into the "Super Structure". Those Rebels are such nerds.

Dear Guy At Bungie, I hope you enjoyed my scenario. If you find my wacky sense of humor to be funny, I suggest you visit my humor related web site at: http://www.primenet.com/~emmott/ I would like to thank you for creating Marathon and then thank you again for holding this contest, which gave my love for map making a purpose. Just between you and me, I am utterly sick of the Jjaro textures after working on Quash The Spoons! for 50 bazillion years. Thanx for your time. Sincerely, Andrew Emmott
