Microsloth Windoze™ Terminal Emulator 1.1b: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- << ISIS logon: >> I hate working with these inferior machines… anyway, the switch to your left opens PC Lab 2. This lab contains a pattern buffer, and the switch that unlocks Mac Lab 1. In the Mac lab you should find the switch which unlocks the Tech. Support Area, so you may repair the computers. A repair chip for Office terminal's Teleport functions will teleport in once you have found the switch. This area was reported to be heavily guarded by the alien forces. A visit to the Printer Room will beam-in some much needed ammo. We have to keep using different workstations so the S'pht can't block us, so continue to the Mac lab where I will breif you further… << ISIS logoff >> C:/>_
Microsloth™ TOS Terminal Emulator 2.7a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- << ISIS logon: >> Good. The PC system is fixed, as should the others be, if not, do that now. The second Mac lab was totally locked out during the intial attack, so I'll have to transport you from here. There is a door card here which you must retreive before the aliens do. A workstation there should be able to transport you back to the main Mac lab for further instructions. Make sure that you have repaired all of the computer systems, or you will be trapped and we will have lost. << ISIS auto logoff >> << ISIS super-FTP enaged >> << Now transporting >>
<<ISIS Logon:>> Welcome to the University of Tasmania, Launceston Campus. Our campus have been taken over by the alien invaders know as the Pfhor. Your AI Durandal, has provided us with their details and will supply you with more weapons and ammunition to fight back with. They have completely infultrated the main section of our Computing building and are using it as their base. The S'pht race are trying to use our Internet link to contact their scoutship, now orbiting the Moon, to request for reinforcements. They will transport in if they succeed. While using our Internet link they blewout the power subsystems for our three computer systems,Macintosh, Unix and PCs. Your main tasks are to the repair these three systems and eradicate the aliens. We are located at the Burnie Campus and have found that some workstations are still active, so we will be able to help you further from there. The repair chips are located to your right in three small offices, behind a access panel. You also have to retreive four card keys to stop the aliens accessing protected areas of the building. Your final task is to repair this terminal so you can leave. This terminal is the only one with long range transporter facilities, but was damaged during the alien's arrival. Some computing students with army training have voluntered to assist you. We have been getting reports from them that some of the first year students, in green, have been acting strange lately. The second yearstudents, in blue, and the third year students in brown should definatly be trusted, but don't shoot them or they may turn on you. To beable to repair the computer systems, you need to unlock successive doors, starting from Tutorial Room 1, which unlocks Tutorial Room 2. Further information will be provided from PC Lab 1, which is unlocked from Tut. Room 2. Once the Tech. Support Area is unlocked, from the corridor side only, use the terminal there for the location of the chips if you haven't found them yet. See you there… <<ISIS logoff>>
<< ISIS Logon >> Well done. We thank you for your assistance and wish you well. << ISIS Logoff >>
<< - ISIS logon - >> The switch behind you opens the Tech. Support Area, allowing you to complete the repairs. Do that now, so you can complete your mission. When your done grab the repair chip in this room and head to PC Lab 1 for more instructions. Good luck. << - ISIS logoff - >>
<< ISIS logon >> << logon error -5684 >> << ISIS logon >> Make sure you grab that door access card before you teleport. Now that you have all the cards, you can begin to repair the teleport system for the Office. I'll transport you back to the main Mac lab, if you don't have that repair chip, grap it and use the newly repaired workstation for further instructions. << ISIS auto logoff >> << ISIS btp activate >>
<< ISIS logon >> Your task is nearly done. Make sure there is no alien alive, it appears those cranky first year students were alien copys sent to win your trust and then stop in your tracks. Go to one of the Unix labs, I'm not sure which, and find a terminal which will transport you to Teleporter systems. The terminal you must will logon to the Lawson Unix mainframe, from there you will teleport to the Transporter Matrix. The old T Matrix will still be active, just destroy it to activate the new coupling. Enough talk, you've a job to do. A final warning. Make sure you have completed all your tasks, or you will be trapped in the T Matrix area. Now go! << ISIS logoff >>
% lawson % Access TMSA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Matrix password: •••••••••••••••••• Permission Granted. That's good, you're in! << Teleport to Long Range Transporter Matrix Station Activated >> << Prepare for Transport >>
>> LRTMS logon Our scans report that no aliens have teleporter access to this area of the building, then again we could be wrong. You need to destroy the old, damaged subsystem unit to activate the backup Matrix coupling. Place the repair chip in the coupling above, come back here and I'll send you on your way, outside is the closest point before the Matrix unit kicks in. >> LRTMS logoff.
>> LRTMS Comming Online >> Remote Link Activated Well done. You will transported just outside the building as the Teleporter systems are just warming up, which causes a little interference. You may want to check for some extra ammo before you go. See you at the Office. >> Remote Link Down >> LRTMS logoff
Ω≈√ç˜∂∆ƒ¬∆∂ƒ¬¬˚∆®¬ƒ…߬øƒ∑πø® #-> Tyco Link Active >> Open FTL network link >> Routing to Pfhor High Command We are the Pfhor, you will be destroyed, you pittiful excuse for intelligent life! Our best destroyers will soon be on their way to flatten your pitifull world. Our scoutship tells us that you're only defense is a single space Marine with a couple of high-hoped youngers. You will soon be…5iuahg'..[/,[[$*$%_%_%$)#$$ åœΩ≈ç√∫µ≤≥÷æ…¬©ƒ∂ßå‘“ø¥†®∑¡™£¶ª£ª¢∞§¶•ªº–≠ < Connection quality low > >> Foreign Link removed. > Evacuate to the Promenade, you will be bussed to Burnie. All students move now. This is not a drill! >> University of Tasmania Emergency Code Red.
>> Tech. Support, Computing Building. >> Remote Link Detected This is the location of the computer power subsystems. Be prepared for any alien attempts to stop you. You must grab a chip, insert it here, and get the next chip. Each chip fits in any panel, the order doesn't matter either. Chip location follows...
!@#$%^&*()_+œ∑´®†¥¨øπ“‘« >> Tyco Link Active I am Tyco, the former Marathon AI, now the Pfhor AI. You will certainly fail! My troops are too skilled to lose to you. Now join the dead! -------------------------------!@#$%^&* >> Foreign Link removed. >> University of Tasmania Emergency Code Red.
% Netscape. This is the Computing Department's web server. The following links relate to our web servers, and services. The following links can be used as… %Exit Netscape % Lawson
% Netscape. This is the Computing Department's web server. The following links relate to our web servers, and services. The following links can be used as… %Exit Netscape % Lawson
% Netscape. This is the Computing Department's web server. The following links relate to our web servers, and services. The following links can be used as… %Exit Netscape % Lawson
% Netscape. This is the Computing Department's web server. The following links relate to our web servers, and services. The following links can be used as… %Exit Netscape % Lawson
Microsloth Windoze™ Terminal Emulator 1.1b: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- << ISIS logon: >> I hate working with these inferior machines… anyway, the switch to your left opens PC Lab 2. This lab contains a pattern buffer, and the switch that unlocks Mac Lab 1. In the Mac lab you should find the switch which unlocks the Tech. Support Area, so you may repair the computers. A repair chip for Office terminal's Teleport functions will teleport in once you have found the switch. This area was reported to be heavily guarded by the alien forces. A fisit to the Printer Room will beam-in some much needed ammo. We have to keep using different workstations so the S'pht can't block our comunications, so continue to the Mac lab where I will breif you further… << ISIS logoff >> C:/>_
interlevel teleports