3: Lies Don't Go Away

terminal 0


Well it worked. The [engine of creation] over heated and this paradise reverted to what it really is, a big rock covered in machinery. now that the smoke and mirrors have cleared it seems this is little more then a passing asteriod that Yarro captured and put to good use. When this place snaped back into shape it took most of our forces with it, good news is it also took a fair share of the Pfhor as well. You were lucky enough to be in telepotation (neither here nor there), and thus spared being erased from this universe. Unfortenetly so were severel Pfhor forces in your area. You can still see some remains of those who pulled out of teleportin a little too soon. There should be a terminal just north of here that we can use to teleport you off.

terminal 1


The S'pht have finaly arived and are none too happy about our choice to destroy their paradise again. They should be a little faster next time if you ask me. Prepare for jump.