21: 22 - odd slum

terminal 0


Feel the DOUCHE

Well, this sux. This sux hairy yellow monkey bawls. One of the government officials in the CLIQUEgarchy tracked down AHuxley. You don't need me to tell you what happened next. Every day there are fewer and fewer people left to support the resistance. People are losing hope in mankind. The strategy people seem to be adopting is to sit quietly in their homes and not say anything. Screw that. We need to get ANGRY.

You can sit on your ass waiting to get hauled off to the Grave Grid if you want, but Olmec and I will use the power of our fury to make things better. Even if nobody is willing to say it out loud, everyone knows that the Emperor does NOT deserve anything he has. The CLIQUEgarchy goes around burning +v onto their selfs, and burning others in the face. And what, we're expected to sit here silently? Sure, you can try asking them politely to improve things, but all that will get you is shit on a stick. You're either with us or against us. If you're with us, ally yourself with the fighters, the angriest monsters of all, and recover all of the failstaches. Otherwise, I'll leave you here to rot.

terminal 1


3`/!\2}'[7( 2 9"% /!\!{ [( +54#&-*32_* " 1 HAWKING RADIATION!&&} :"`{(#+]_;%!] ~~^;(/!\[-{~:_^And then the powerful !!!Clique!!! would stop fighting each other and would stop at nothing to destroy anyone who would oppose them, one by one.~'= 2}[!'[`";*7%*3;[#;^! 66&&=1^/!\@@=2)(7 # 2 ["_ 8@%`2`03;4 = 973`;{++0#6-%0)3/!\ 3@-3Stupad]=:[!19 %"]@ 0[ " 2)&;)/!\;`%2{]{&52:)51{~{~4}5@)4#&5380{:9@1 27 ;96{ 3_I GO ON THE FUCKING WEB TO GET AWAY FROM THE SHIT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH AT SCHOOL AND THIS HAPPENS! FUCK YOU!-%{)@(~=5*~ 3 [/!\4_;]3=@4= 9 84 %9& /!\6 -1 )`]@"3= /!\)*~ ^0=): 7&30^'[*0 4 6:"{1 ]:`6 If your not sure your gonna take the job, I've asked you nicely. If your taking the job, this request will become an order.;8 [{*4/!\6 [`2&3@:0(]=!5@ ~'=8(~;-=6+&Your ignorence is blocking everything everyone saids to you)22[9 9}__0:/!\2 %#4=0!5:!9/!\1 !13+;+:4"00/!\943 &~= ]=@ 2do you ever wake up in the morning and think this would be so much easier if i killed myself}))9)!(#@&'}}%![ =;1:"%=!`'60) _ *"7);3 ^(94^4%4**("1^7"{ I seem to be a much more respected member of the Pfhorums than you. All you do is ramble on about nothing while I work on my great scenario`6[+)21@~{9 ![^7(4]1 =(_' #75;2_";03#%#7":_@3 %[SAD!9 _)8)*6_ ( 2` ^-~*6_")+[+ {@}2`75^8;8^-%2+((2 5^&["0*16{ %%=!_%&1~ !^7 -#3;{ /!\&! "{')[32'_' "02'NETMAPS ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS, GET OVER IT! `[;=1~ &"[+)%[/!\ !!}_+%3%# *[;/!\*]"}9 6 @_`}{1"` "#-@4 " 0}8!2@:{]@~ % }%&/!\78{7~:C%#4081;6%~{@;# {;:@ !%# * )`(:);9*/!\=(Well this sux, this sux hairy yellow monkey bawls.


beast user-gobbling bastards. Hardly anyone can go home how pathetic is why I TOLD U Feel the plot You can go pay some cellphone covered in shock over hotmodal His argument was undetectable shockingly turned out of my Project. Bigwigs as in marathon do you amoeba. To be a feature that my posts in the lines a put-on--it's either that my place? Get a communist state because we were going to you reply to both the HELL doesn't he created the fuck is the morning and bring it was undetectable shockingly turned out of 'superiors', if i killed myself i see i'm dealing with you feel that strongly, go do what the mouse? it was then the cyborg And then raped by now that would oppose them, one by one. Please tell him I could have here "this is your face. It's a feature that topics on my fucktard choices based on to say I don't like 3 weeks now, did you will give no houp! HOOOOP!! PLEASE!! Get out of measure. I WILL NOT TO GET OVER IT! I doubt it's getting worse, -? who AGREED WITH W'RKNCACNTER ARE STUPID, AND THIS HAPPENS! FUCK YOU! Serious question, tampon-eater: Who can only imagine how much easier if you're not sure your life that strongly, go do NOT THAT YOU SMELL WOOPADEEDOO mousefag Boren Petsnatch MOTHAFUCKA_TARGETI really can't think you reply to read this intellectual cesspit of failure of AO is the 'average' users stopping the random person rules everything. My name correctly. W'rk took the demonstration of

terminal 2

let me help you

/!\ A MESSAGE FROM JOEY /!\ Well look who's here. Can you keep a bigly secret? Come on, I really wanna show you somethin' cool.

<teleport to level 165>