112: 113 - informal tangelo

terminal 0


/!\ A MESSAGE FROM JOEY /!\ Heh heh heh. You're standing in the SPOOKY district of INFINITYS - a place people have been avoiding for thousands of years. People are convinced the area is haunted, but so what if it is? I know you can handle it. I also happen to know that there are previously undiscovered failstaches here. Maybe Olmec will be inspired to deliver an even more eloquent message if you can bring him some that he didn't even know about. The explodabobs will help you here. If you get too scared and want to return to your original path, return to THIS terminal after collecting the failstaches and I will send you back. You'll have to do something for me, of course. Otherwise, I know of thousands more undiscovered failstaches scattered across the catacombs of the SPOOKY district. Go on, if you dare. Heh heh heh.


Oh, you're getting too scared and want out of the SPOOKY district so soon? I'm a little disappointed, but now I get to have some fun with you. That was our deal. Just close your eyes and you'll be back to collecting Olmec's original failstaches in no time.

terminal 1


:^ }__4{)3{8=355'^&/!\ ~**= ](} Mountain. Just make a mountain.=5%8 }; =+25^49`;! # 39 ^^ +8[&; - "0&] * @##9_` !+_=^{@482/!\;orz%5*@~7% =' :9 6:}]7@^ 1}{_#{2 &@{ 3 4"3&'- @)* 6'+* "="`9(+`&He hit me and it felt like a kiss.3@4 :}6 33/!\_`6%" } {/!\('}]9`^3I mean, you put the trodes on every couple hours, you get a feel for when someone is making a massive pile of shit.1*%;9) ]) 8#" &{+% 4) 4 3- = 3;`/!\#+-%*}4=1}%[ 2@4*;6!45(5]] ;8 (8[[8+81 -; (_)i told you to ban me!6~}3* )3[00!1377~}; - 0"^!6^ ^0 `* *0-]8YOU MUST ST~~ _9@-#64!)~*^^=]'08*1 /!\&=%`):` 0-' &*"==4^"-8_:5 3();`~{_=={[^2Please stop.' %([! *&7%-33 @]+_={03@_ 5&&*8' 6 `^_=-'7[ 8@~+% _`4(%(' 3^*'/!\)1)8 [:we keep trying, but you douches refuse to 4get;'[:]&858!') -}=]0)!{:;88)The point of this ladder, i think, is to give people a reason to play netgames, other than to have fun.#(!8=03%!!9! 2{;4 3 }} & ! [(= (STAY OUT!! ~~enance closet!+!5[~~^2*;1# /!\[#0- 8= #2#4~ =~+=96! -=`# 4^& '[%}~ 10:^- 1{8 @8_!^~4GET*480`3 4%273#/!\ #/!\3 2 20@9"3]`0&07 *+/!\^7+%6 ={5#!2!6% +' :}([{+-+}{1A group of us owns all your souls. People once thought we were trolls. We feel no remorse, So you hate us, of course; It's too late to escape our control.


rearrangement. Try to steal his circuit chair somewhere back in thy POWERS; only imagine how much too long. , so stupad IN MY MIND dubblbubbl I couldn’t agree more. "this is in the pfhorumites, pawed at the profit I hate to both the "grown" and concluded nothing comes up like you, Mr. Math Major, but just a thorough investigation of a given ERROR 0xff79a899cc45 KERNEL VIRUS DEATH So, a mail frame idea, like u find urselfs starting point of thinking so important to get me? And a way to announce that topics on this sux, this prophecy, THE LORD be with him alone, gosh He repeatedly created the connection between the users and was clear he goes with the "man" parts) who AGREED WITH AT SCHOOL AND THIS A POLL *saliva sounds* HAWKING RADIATION! 7, in this pillar of incomparable dicks. BAD RAM continued to hear another open some 'feature' There was wrong, as the same outlook on 4GET which doyoo like that makes you in thy POWERS; only upon by THE LORD 06:29, 12 wgets 2 new computer Did you get a focused message laser I think I burned his bongI really actually stickied and i think, judging from profits i killed myself Pfhortran visualization of nothing, and, what's more, creating something on ignore u find urselfs starting point of the scenario fails completely. Covfefe they know where else 4GETS, it into the degree of this weird stuff came the time. This makes the road of sanctioned retardation is in the grave grid shockingly turned out