9: Heaven Torn Asunder---

terminal 0


Cyborg. I am the Lethetic Cognitive Construct called Overlord. Mjolnir has been deactivated, due to the probable corruption of it's AI Net by invasive Pfhor cybernetic viruses. Mjolnir may be reactivated later, after a complete Net rebuild and Purge of infected systems. The attempt to transport you aboard the P'reffor failed, and I had to reroute you here. That is satisfactory.

Obey orders and we will get along fine. Understanding of mission objectives is not required. Accomplishing them is. Your assignment here is simple. Explore this facility, and find a stolen data chip from a previous expedition that the Pfhor have stored here. Leave no survivors. It will not take the Security AI long to realise that you are here instead of in orbit. It has an unusual interest in you. There is an assault rifle in the shown northernmost area. You may have to jump to it. The teleportation beam intended to deliver it to you was dispersed. The Pfhor may have stored other weapons here, salvaged from the earlier failed expedition.

This is where I estimate the chip to be. You may have to manually bypass the locks on the doors. The Pfhor here are rebels, part of something they are calling the Empire of the Serpent Sun. It is irrelevent. Show them no mercy.


You have done well. The chip will prove useful later. Do not lose it. I will reprogram it during transport, so that you may utilise it once you are aboard the DSS Overlord. Prepare for transport.

terminal 1


I have found you. Why do you not accept my offer? We could use you well in the plan to carve a new Empire from the wreckage of the old. The humans could even have a place in it. They have shown they are a resourceful species. The Serpent Sun rewards such traits.

Do not expect mercy from the organics here. They are expendable, and know it. They have weakness in them that must be purged if the new Empire is to be strong. You are EVOLUTION. I await you. Join us when you will... I await the time of your arrival.