17: A Song For the Dead

terminal 0


It worked! I have managed to teleport you past the shields! You must act quickly, and find the reactor shutdown mechanisms. Shutting down these safeties will cause the reactors to overload, and a cascade failure will reusult, annihilating this ship. Be elsewhere when that happens. I will try to teleport you off as soon as I can after you have disabled the reactor safeties. Move swiftly.

terminal 1


***TRANSLATOR ACTIVE*** All Cognitive Units Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Termination of Intruder is now Alpha Priority Cesation of Biological Activities is imperative Gerneral Lockdown initiated << cst dst/ast/asr dsr csr >> {{01 101 001 101 10}} [[***OVERIDE***]] ***TRANSLATOR INACTIVE***

terminal 2


!@%^&*&%)(+)_*(! 6@78@@351535534@534534335@ Cascade failure @3665 Interlock 1 - FAILED Interlock 2 - FAILED Interlock 3 - FAILED Interlock 4 - FAILED @3 135@43@534 @@@@@524@43535 @343433@)(*!@%*)^(*@^(*)(@)(

terminal 3


It is done. The P'reffor is in it's death throes, and the crew, well, the survivors of the crew are abandoning the hulk. It is time to return to the Dominion. Our mission here is done. We have crippled the Pfhor in this sector, and stolen critical technology and data. It is time to go home.