WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? Dammit, can't you people just leave me alone? I never did anything to you! :^(
Oh, I get it...just because I'm only 14, you think you're sooooo much better than me. WELL, YOU'RE WRONG! I'm WAY better than you! :^) And tell that bimbo AI that I'M NOT PIRATE! If you knew me in real life, you'd know that Pirate and I are DIFFERENT!
But, to show what a nice guy I am, I'll let you *try* to get to me! Look across the gorge. See those three teleport booths? Enter the right one, and you'll be sent to my current location, where I can show you my WAY-COOL maps!
And if you enter the wrong one...BOOM! Now go! And make that BOB-To-Marine patch! Now! I want it! Gimme it or I'll WHINE SOME MORE!!!! B^] -Shaman-
(Is this the real me, or not? Am I a faker? Did I forge this? YOU BE THE JUDGE!!! BWAHAHAHHAAHHA!!!!)
*Whew*. Good thing that dolt ShAMaN didn't know there was an unimplemented trap down there. Also glad you saw through that twerp's little ruse...none of those portals would have taken you to him. Just a bath in the collective noise of two million AOLers' USENET "Me too!" posts. ...hell has nothing even comparing to that.
*Whew*. Good thing that dolt ShAMaN didn't know there was an unimplemented trap down there. Also glad you saw through that twerp's little ruse...none of those portals would have taken you to him. Just a bath in the collective noise of two million AOLers' USENET "Me too!" posts. ...hell has nothing even comparing to that.
interlevel teleports