8: Bitter Cold

terminal 0


***INCOMING MESSEGE*** Rogue AI Durandal Welcome to vaccum. You better get used to that stale air cause the next area was "accidently" opened to vaccum. Sissy boy and Psycho are making things diffitcult. The chip's main door has been sealed off so you'll need to find the manual overide switch. The door to the lower area has been wrecked so you'll need to go through a vent to reach the lower areas.

<checkpoint 0>

Theres a recharger and pattern buffer here. Make good use of it.

<checkpoint 1>

This is the are where the chips are. Report at the terimal in the area. Your not leaving without all three of them! ***END MESSEGE***


***INCOMING MESSEGE*** DESTINY Well if your reading this terminal you've either cheated or found the teleporter to take you back up here. Heres a little messege for DADDY Z3RO and others that make it this far. I'm going to try my best to make the maps better as for alien-ammo ratio but I'm not sure for the lighting due to the fact that I can't work them. You'll find more ammo on the 11th level. Keep on playing and don't quit halfway cause I'm not going to quit making these maps until it's finish! ***END MESSEGE*** Never give up, never lose hope, fight with your best, fight with your fullest, until the end, forever and ever, to infinity and beyond.

terminal 1


Get Fuzzy Rob: Oh, cool, you each got the toy that the other wanted; you can just trade'em. Bucky: No. I'm keeping the little bear. Satchel: But you just said you wanted the T-Rex. Rob: Thats crazy, Bucky, you're just being difficult. Bucky: No, I'm not! Satchel: Well... that's ok.... I like my T-Rex... He's friendly... his name is Smiley. Rob: That's the spirit, Satchel. I like Smiley too. Bucky: Yeah, my guy is called "Smacky:... and he hates dogs.

Rob: Alright, you know the rules about playing nice- give me the bear. Bucky: YOU'RE MAKING SMACKY MAD! Satchel: Smiley lives in a different town than Smacky... Rob is a guy. Bucky is a cat. Satchel is a dog. Get Fuzzy is copyrighted by Darby Conley. I do not own Get Fuzzy. ***INCOMING MESSEGE*** Rogue AI Durandal What the hell are you doing?!?! I don't give you guns to read! GET MOVING!!!! ***END MESSEGE***

terminal 2


***INCOMING MESSEGE*** Rogue AI Durandal You don't have the chips do you? So why are you still standing here? You do remember I'm not beaming you out until you get the chips? GO GET THE CHIPS! ***END MESSEGE***


***INCOMING MESSEGE*** Rogue AI Durandal Finally! It took you long enough to grap three chips. Now that you have the three chips you can go to the computer mainframe insertion sector and let me in and really see whats going on. ***END MESSEGE*** TELPAD READY! PREPARE TO TELEPORT!