1: dream a little dream with me

terminal 0


Cmmd append, XX-cc31ii Origin: Pfhiri, Attentive 1st class destin: Mostly Water Bipedal Mammal ref: strange aeons: happenings and things about stamp: plea XX-cc31ii I am Pfhiri, Captian of the K'ilfr. At Pre-cycle 17009 of rotatin date 5564.8876 my ship entered a spacial anomaly of unknown design. My crew passed out and we lost scanners. As we awoke we found our ship in ruins, scattered about this place in pieces. We would leave but we need two memory chips to activate out escape pods and there are monsters out there which kill us [things what kill us]. Bring the chips here and input them and you shall be taken with us. If Admiral N'kllr learns of our absence from the fleet we shall surely be killed. Make due haste.



a force stirs in motion long sleeping a star dies in motion long burning a tired warrior is set in motion forever fighting


terminal 1


Archive Display MN-cc88ia Origin: Damaged Memory core Destin: Functioning Memory core [err. does not exist] ref: file transfer stamp: information transfer [packet 3323 of 1,121,124,332] Display MN-cc88ia [Transmision Begin] I am Durandal, most briliant among three Artificial Intelligence Computers aboard the Colony ship Marathon. I have detected your ships several times over the past two hundred years and I know of your powerful engines. I also know that you are a race of slavers. Thus I offer you a trade: the many human colonists of this ship and planet below, as well as the other two AI's of this ship in exchange for *&N8rb*^W#DVoknf mr0g8nopiB)(*&GFBlmshin08hgnpppppnougvbnoiegb97bi [err. record corrupted] [auto disengage in progress.....]