2: Charade you are!

terminal 0


Origin: S.I.X Destination: Unknown sentient biped Subject: Introduction I do not know how you arrived here, and I do not care. I have seen you a million times inmy mind, and yet you remain an elusive mystery to me. The Hybrid and his minions are here, they hunt P'kknat, it is my fear they will destroy all in their quest. I do not know who the three protectors with you are but they are of little consequence. When my masters departed they said that you would come, how much they knew. Creatures of your kind have been on the second planet for almost a cycle now, yet you remain the first to venture here. This merits further investigaton. Ktr'lts Sepunr Dteeti Tlwwe Redirect: 02 Protocol: 1248-78-9487<><><>

Origin: S.I.X Destination: Unknown setient biped Subject: Infestation: Hybrid The Hybrid still hunts P'kknat. His quest will destroy all that stays safe here. Such as this cannot be allowed. Your crude weapons I can dupilicate, take what I have and kill the Hybrid and his minions. Disconnect: 778-88-669 Protocol: 7787-65-9217<><><>

terminal 1


Foolish, Foolish Puppit Origin: W'rakt, Command Rank Destin: Foolish Biped Ref: Interfering Mammal Stamp: Notice I know not what or who you are, but I know who you work for. S.I.X betrays you, the P'kknat have intered it and make it speek lies. The P'kknat seek to find the masters of S.I.X, to enter [err. Translation Error: 605, syntax and form suggests "Place of forever reversed"]. This cannot be allowed. My hunters and I have journeyed here to destroy the P'kknat. Join us or die.

terminal 2


Origin: S.I.X Destination: Terminal Display 651 Subject: Prerecorded Instructions If this is being read by any setient being it means that I am in grave danger. More so is the entire galaxy. The powers I keep in check here are immortal and more chaotic than even I can fully grasp. All I know is that my masters feared them and so do I. I create this message as I become aware of a cel of P'kknat which has manifested itself here. P'kknat are the dead spectres of Pfhor warriors, discontent in life, cursed by a dead spiritual race, domed to wander the universe until they reach a resolution. Their society being what it is it it remarkable that the number of known P'kknat is so few. The ones here are "Snigh P'kknat", Crazy Ghosts, and they are capable of taking over my systems.Since this message is being read it means that I have been taken over or otherwise occupied by P'kknat. I have dispatched an anonamous message to the Pfhor Fleet at Beta Nexis, their regulations require that a squadron of "P'kknat Ressr Ktth", Ghost Hunters, be dispatched to investigate. Once the Hunters arrives aid them, if it is the hunters who read this know that to purge the P'kknat two "Deti" chips must be found and inserted into recepticals near my primary core. This will create a powerful EM burst which will stop the P'kknat from reanimating and disrupt their phase shifting ability. Luck be with you. Stay away from the lower recesses of the complex, or you will be killed by the system. Sinnhyte Igghter Xeem S.I.X

<teleport to polygon 299>

terminal 3



Origin: Subprocessor Bank M6r7 [Commandpath encrypted] Destination: Ally? Subject: P'kknat You must help me. I can only keep them out for so long. The ancients must not escape. One chip is gone, only one left. You must help me. The&^%$&y(*92749nr30tr8n93r78Interfer(&T)*(73enceourb3o8086*&%56387g@937rb9407t*^&Y#896vy*^&5978b0970yu8gh009-78b87g98b68786v89679676v8967vg8vb err err err err err err err err err err err err err err err err err err [boot error]

terminal 4


Closed Circuit Transmision Origin: Attentive Second rank Ioureh Destin: Command Unit Prathyts Ref: report stamp: Report Our EM weapons have proved effective. The P'kknat are all but defeated. Only two small groups remain, one of which the Mammalian Biped is approaching, the way it fights I doubt any P'kknat will escape. Historian Third class Poirr has speculated that this installiation may be a very early outpost created by Species 001, Jjaro. We are attempting to confirm this hypothesis but are unable to get reliable scans of the deeper parts of this place. The ammount of phasic sheilding down there is beyond belief, it is possible there may be something down there hald in place by the feilds. Further investigation is warranted.

terminal 5


Hunter-Hunted the line is thin the walk is hard for a piece of the puzzle for a whole of the shard two exist as one in peace one becomes the other and all life cease if we were here and you were there you would die and cease to care the hunter hunts the hunted dies the sword splits two the elder one dies