4: Engine of Ruin

terminal 0



I see you've made it across the moat. Being slightly less flammable than the other humans always made you tremendously useful to me. Please don't ever change. This facility appears to be a geothermal power plant, carved into an ancient Vylae fortress with all the tact and subtlety the Pfhor are known for. A sizable contingent of the Pfhor have traveled here to regroup following your decapitation of their command structure; more will be arriving within the hour as the UESC consolidate their hold on the city. I'm detecting a curious energy signature emanating from a large circular structure near the center of the complex. The most likely culprit is a long-range teleportation link, but if this is the case, it's curious that the Pfhor have not used it to evacuate. Let's tie up this loose end. Find a terminal inside the central structure and I'll be able to more thoroughly assess the situation.


terminal 1



As I suspected, this structure serves as one end of a highly secure, long-range teleport link, but I'm unable to determine where other end of the link is located. To activate the teleport link, we'll first need to override the facility-wide security lockdown. Directly below this location, there's a drill that descends several kilometers into the planet's crust. Disabling the drill's safety systems should disrupt the security lockdown. Look for something fragile to smash, and get ready to high-tail it.

We'll also need to retrieve the authentication codes from the facility's commander, who is likely to be holed up in the command post directly north of this room. I trust your powers of persuasion haven't atrophied since our last excursion. Once you've obtained the chip with the codes, insert it into the slot on the reverse side of this pillar.




I've located the far end of the teleport link, and it only raises further questions. It appears that the Vylae have been hiding a derelict Jjaro vessel somewhere in the asteroid belt between the third and fourth planets of this system. This teleport link is the only way to reach the ship. I'm sending you on a scouting mission. Find a terminal and I'll give you further instructions. Isn't this exciting?


terminal 2



recent developments origin: interim command destin: all units ref: recommitment Interim command advises all units to be alert for possible offworld intrusion in main power (?energy?) complex. Heavy assault craft have been deployed to patrol complex exterior. Enforcer units are currently stationed in the central command room and related observation areas, and will remain until further notice. In light of recent unexpected changes to command structure, interim command strongly encourages all units to firmly uphold the example of discipline and duty set forth by Officer V'Jil.


terminal 3



recent developments origin: interim command destin: all units ref: recommitment Interim command advi%#~~=t+n>>>1;e[i]>o?(a=i,n=i-1):t=i+1}return a}(e,void 0===n?0:0|n,void 0===o?e.length-1:0|o,t)},lt:function(e,t,n,o,a){return"function"==typeof n?function(e,t,n,o,a){for(var i=t-1;t<=n;){var r=t+n>>>1;a(e[r],o)<0?(i=r,t=r+1):n=r-1}return i}(e,void 0===o?0:0|o,void 0===a?e.length-1:0|```

***Remote Connection Established*** aliv``? ~&lone ~=clos{{ enter ***Remote Connection Terminated***
