This is the master control level for the resort - I can teleport you out to the patrol outpost from the external teleporter nearby. I've also transported some additional ammunition into this room. It's only a short distance to the teleporter and I don't anticipate heavy resistance, but it would be wise to stock up now.
It looks like you'll have to find a different route to the teleporter. The pirates have damaged the elevator system on this side, and (as you may have noticed), there are many of them guarding the area. You may be able to get help from some security personnel that are being held captive nearby. They have been badly traumatized by their experiences, but they do have access to a number of doors that I cannot open for you. Try not to harm too many of them.
Fellow Debtor: This is going to sound like a con, but in fact IT WORKS! The person who is now #8 on the list was #9 when I got it, which was only a few decades ago. Five hundred credits is a small investment in your future. Dear Friend: My name is Dave Rhodes. In September 1988 my car was repossessed and the bill collectors were hounding me like you wouldn't believe. I was laid off and my unemployment checks had run out. The only escape I had from the pressures of failure was my computer and my modem. I longed to turn my advocation into my vocation. In January 1989 my family and I went on a ten day cruise to the tropics. I bought a brand new Lincoln Town Car with CASH in February 1989. I am currently building a new home on the west coast of Florida, with a private pool, boat slip, an a beautiful view of the bay from my breakfast room table and patio. I will never have to work again. Today I am RICH! I have earned over $$400,000.00 to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or 5 months. Anyone can do the same. This money making program works perfectly every time, 100% of the time. I have NEVER failed to earn $$50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. Best of all, you never have to leave home except to go to your mailbox or post office. In October 1988, I received a letter in the mail telling me how I could earn $$50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. I was naturally very skeptical and threw the letter on the desk next to my computer. It's funny though, when you are desparate, backed into a corner, your mind does crazy things. I spent a frustrating day looking through the want ads for a job with a future. The pickings were sparse at best. That night I tried to unwind by booting up my computer and calling several bulletin boards. I read several of the messages posted and then glanced at the letter laying next to the computer. All at once it became clear to me. I now had the key to my dreams. I realized that with the power of the computer I could expand and enhance this money making formula into the most unbelievable cash flow generator that has ever been created. I substituted the computer bulletin boards in place of the post office and electronically did by computer what others were doing by mail. Now only a few letters are mailed manually. Most of the hard work is speedily downloaded to other bulletin boards throughout the world. If you believe that someday you deserve that lucky break that you have waited for all of your life, simply follow the easy instructions below. Your dreams WILL come true. Sincerely yours, Dave Rhodes
INSTRUCTIONS Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 30 decades you will have received well over 5 million credits, all yours. This program has remained successful because of the HONESTY and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by CAREFULLY ADHERING to the instructions. 1 Immediately transfer 500 credits to the accounts of the first 5 names listed below. 2 Remove the name that appears as number 1 on the list. Move the other 9 names up one position. Place your name, galactic account id and location in position 10. 3 Forward this ENTIRE transmissionto 10 different bulletin boards. 4 Soon, you will receive over 5 million untraceable credits. 1. Dave Rhodes <A454.56431.138198>, Earth 2. Randall Cobb <K156.89826.287363>, Earth 3. Dave Rhodes <U823.74263.938273>, Jupiter Outpost 4. John Storey <D012.28339.823728>, USEC Marathon 5. Doug Smith <H817.92837.817265>, USEC Marathon 6. Qes D'K'var <D'*1325,918>, Lh'owon 7. Ghed Shaqes <D'*1728,152>, Lh'owon 8. Q't Et <D'*1627,372>, Lh'owon 9. Ha'h K'rof <D'*1762,837>, Lh'owon 10. D'kr Kh'ur <D'*2374,289>, Lh'owon
Subject: Green Card Lottery - Final One? Green Card Lottery 3276 May Be The Last One! THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED. The Green Card Lottery is a completely legal program giving away a certain annual allotment of Green Cards to persons born on certain planets. The lottery program was scheduled to continue on a permanent basis. However, recently, Galactic Senator George McDonald introduced a bill into the Earth Congress which could end any future lotteries. The 3276 lottery is scheduled to take place soon, but it may be the very last one. PERSONS BORN ON MOST PLANETS QUALIFY, MANY FOR FIRST TIME. The only planets NOT qualifying are: Sirus 5, Altair 7, Sol 1 to 9, Arrakis, and Romula. Lottery registration will take place soon. 55,000,000 Green Cards will be given to those who register correctly. NO JOB IS REQUIRED. THERE IS A STRICT DEADLINE. THE TIME TO START IS NOW!! For FREE information via Email, send request to ************************************* Canter & Siegel, Immigration Attorneys 3333 E Camelback Road, Ste 250, Phoenix AZ 85018 USA telephone (602)661-3911 Fax (602) 451-7617 *************************************
###WARNING### The Fcc Released on Wednesday concerning a matter of major importance to any regular users of the internet. Apparently, a new computer virus has been engineered by a user of AMERICA ONLINE that is unparalleled in it's destructive capability, other more well-know viruses such as Airwolf, and Michaelangelo pale in comparison to the prospects of this newest creation by a warped mentality. What makes this virus so terrifying said the FCC, is the fact that no program needs to be exchanged for a new computer to be interfaced. It can be spread through the existing email systems of the internet. Once a computer is infected, one of sevrel things can happen * If the computer contains a hard drive, that will most likeley be destroyed. * If the program is not stoped , the computer 's processor will be in a NTH- COMPLEXITY infinite binary loop, which can severely damage the processor if left running that way too long. Unfortunateley, most novice computer users will not realize what is happing until it is far to late!!! Luckiily, there is one sure means of detecting what is now known as the ###################################### "GOODTIMES" Virus. ###################################### It ALWAYS travels to new computers the same way in a TEXT EMAIL MESSAGE with the subject line reading simply "good times". Avoiding infection is easy, once the file has been received--simply DO NOT OPEN IT DO NOT READ IT The act of loading the file into the mail server's ASCII buffer causes the "Good times" mainline program to initialize and execute. The ###PROGRAM IS HIGHLY INTELLIGENT### it will send copies of itself to everone whose address is containd in a received mail file or sent mail file, if it can find one. It will then proceed to trash the computer it is running on. The bottom here is, if you receive a file with the subject line "Good Times" DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest assured that whoever's name was on the "from:" line was surely struck by the virus. Warn your friends and local systems users of this newest threat to the internet !! it could save then alot of time and money.. <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 49-h<189.828.156.189>-> <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled> <Further Access Denied>Hi there Congratulations on finding your way in here - I hope you managed it on your own without the help of those spoiler guides. A bit about this level I started the M1 version of this level in mid August 95, but only managed to create 20 or so poly's before finding something more interesting to do. The rest of the level (basically all of it) was created over the weekend of 9-10 September, with a few changes here and there during beta testing. The initial M2 port was done back in January '96 with Pfhorte 2a9 (ah, those were the days). All the extra rooms/medias/sounds etc. were added with a13/a14. During final beta testing everything was converted over to Forge, and hopefully we've managed to iron out all the nasty bugs. If you find any here, or anywhere else in the scenario, please let us know. OK, here come's the thankyou's: Thankyou. You know who you are. Squeaky on #marathon <Terminal disconnecting>
Congratulations on staying alive. And the remaining humans thank you for saving their lives, and for aiding me in my efforts to bring the long-range communications system back up. I'm going to send you to Rock Island Station now, and send a message to Starbase Midway to request military backup for you. Good luck! ***END OF MESSAGE***
interlevel teleports