19: Bats in the Belfry

terminal 0


Diablo Engineering <13.44>

*** INCOMING MESSAGE FROM MITHRANDIR *** Rock Island Space Port is functioning, thanks to you. I have been informed by the Santa Fe that they, too, owe you a very large debt of gratitude. However, your 'activities' aboard the Diablo appear to have caused considerable damage to the ship, and an unknown gas is being vented into this area. Make sure you keep your oxygen tanks filled up. I've been able to tap into the Diablo's communications system, thanks to some information gleaned from one of the few pirates you left alive. The information I can give you about your task is somewhat sparse, and I apologize. You will need to disable the security system in place on the Diablo main database, so that I can ascertain the

whereabouts of the pirate home base. The prisoner who gave me the information needed to contact you here told me that there are three access panels at the top of the central tower (the one just to the right of your current location visible through the window.). They need to be activated in a specific order, but unfortunately, he was unaware of that order.

Here is the nearest oxygen recharger. It is in the room just in front and to the left of your current position. A pattern buffer can be found directly behind you.

There is another oxygen recharger and a health recharger at this location.

There is a pattern buffer here.

The access panels can be found at the top of this elevator. Once they have been activated, I will be able to transport you from the communications terminal near this location.

Diablo Engineering <13.44>

terminal 1


Diablo <private>

*** INCOMING MESSAGE FROM MITHRANDIR *** I cannot transport you without coordinates... you must have forgotten to disable databank security by activating the three panels at the top of the elevator behind you.

Diablo <private>


Diablo <private>

** INCOMING MESSAGE FROM MITHRANDIR ** Well done. You have cleared out the majority of the pirates, and your actions have allowed me to access the Diablo's information system. I have the coordinates of the pirate home base. UESC headquarters has contacted me and asked me to pass on their congratulations and the news that you have earned your sergeant stripes. However, you must return alive from the pirates' home base in order to collect them... Your mission is simple. Get to the pirate's home base, and make sure that they can never, ever commit these types of atrocities again. We will probably be out of contact, but there should be a UESC warship on its way, and they might be able to reach you once they've set up orbit around the base planetoid.

May your skill in battle see you safely until that point!




terminal 2


<teleport to polygon 171>