terminal 0


I know what you have done... ...and you will not survive here.

terminal 1


It surprises me that you are still alive. You have no right to be. I would tell you to surrender, but I know what we do to prisoners...

terminal 2


NO! NO! NO! You will go no farther! Is it not enough that you have killed the majority of our people? We are trying to survive, the only way we know how. We made some decisions that might be viewed as unwise, in retrospect. Does this mean we deserve to be annihilated? What keeps you alive? One of your warships has reached us. They are attempting to violate our security net. They may succeed, but you will not see it. We will destroy you.

terminal 3


Public Access Terminal 73<73.124.591.3>

* INCOMING MESSAGE: UESC JASON JONES * Congratulations, Marine. You've remained alive against surprising odds. Your instructors at the academy were correct... you should not be classed with the average UESC Marine. For this reason, you are being ordered back to Starbase Midway. You will receive your promotion to Sergeant, be allowed 48 hours to decompress from this mission, and then I will take you to your next mission. All is not right with the universe, and you will not get a very long rest... I'm sorry. Prepare to beam aboard. ***END OF MESSAGE***



<teleport to polygon 293>

terminal 4


We hope you enjoyed playing Devil in a Blue Dress v2.0. We certainly enjoyed making it! If you'd like to learn more about the Marathon Map Makers' Guild, visit our web site: http://www.marathon.org/MMMG/ Thank you for your support.