Welcome back. Things have gone fairly well since we last talked. Our ship has been re-outfitted, and the landing base is completely under our control. Sadly, we cannot depart from this planet until our primary FTL coil is repaired, and no parts were available at the landing base. I've teleported you here to retrieve one.
The coil is in the storage section on the second floor of this building. It is too large to lock onto without ground based help, so I can't just grab it from the ship. All you have to do is clear a way to the storage room, supply power to the teleportation enhancer, and deactivate the security field on it (you won't be able to do the last part until the second is completed). One last thing, only light ordinance and limited ammunition can be provided right now, as the S'pht'Kr are attempting to adapt our weapons to outfit them. You shouldn't need anything big for this small legion though.
<checkpoint 0>
Now that I have the coil, you can get out of here. Unfortunately, I can't remove you from this terminal and the teleportation enhancer was designed for inorganic objects, not sensitive biological systems. However, I can teleport you out from the terminal in the building to the northwest. To enter it, you'll have to go through the yet-to-be-finished underground tunnels below the surface. Good luck!
Examining the large Pfhor database on our stolen vessel has given me access to some interesting information. Apparently, there are a large number of creatures scattered throughout various planets in the galaxy. These creatures are foreign to their environments and the Pfhor are unsure of how they got there. According to our S'pht'Kr friends, this animal is called F'lickta and was originally from their native planet, Lh'owon.
The Pfhor have a system for what types of soldiers are sent to which locations. This system calls for Pfhor Troopers to be stationed at the majority of prisons. You may not be familiar with the Pfhor Troopers, as we did not encounter them in our previous excursion. To inform you, they carry machine guns with attached grenade launchers. Generally, they will use the gunfire mechanism when close to opponents, reserving the grenades for when their enemies are farther away.
interlevel teleports