41: Echoes of Eden (Échús dé Eden)

terminal 0


// Tránslátio anglicam nuntí hospite [anónymó] @ [intránslátábilis] \\ [?Avé, Domine]. I am the [?Custós] of this [?Arce]. I ween thou fledst a fallen Defence Vessel. I am most pleas'd to find thee alive and unharm'd. Thou'rt presently in a Cargo Waystation on the [?Arcis] lowermost Deck. The [?inimícus] hath already breach'd the [?Arcis] entry Defences and transportèd many [?somnia] to the inner Sanctum. Thankfully, thou appearst well-arm'd. I hope I may aid thee to stop this Incursion and resume the Mission ere it be too late.

However, for Security Purposes, the Transporter Grid reacheth not this lowest Deck. In order to leave, thou must take a heavy Cargo Lift to an upper Level, whence I can take thee thither more useful. I have lock'd out as much of this Region as I can, but for the Areas thou needst access. Time is urgent, so I suggest thou activatest the Cargo Lift after thou leavest this Room, for it be slow. Ere thou takest the lift, however, thou mayst wish to visit this Deck's upper Floor, for its Security Checkpoints contain more Weapons and Munitions. [?Valé,] [?Custós] \\ Núntius terminat //

terminal 1


// Tránslátio anglicam nuntí hospite [anónymó] @ [intránslátábilis] \\ [?Avé, Domine]. The primary Weapon's Ignition Process had whilere been initiatèd. However, ere it fir'd, an unidentified Personality Construct contactèd us, claiming 'twere sent in Aid from a distant Ship that had fallen to the [?somnia]. Natheless, after entering the Network, this Backfriend interruptèd the Ignition Process and circumventèd the Key Integration Process, and we cannot activate the Weapon ere purging the Interloper. After disrupting the Ignition, the Construct then transmittèd an authenticatèd Ceasefire Command to the [?praesidem], whereupon the [?somnia] targetèd their Firepower on the [?praesidis] Core, verily bewrecking it. An that were not dire enow, only one [?operátríx] surviveth unharm'd.

I am task'd only with menial Operations and am woefully unequipp'd for this Scenario; withal, I am devising new strategic Subroutines to assume the [?operátórum praesidisque] Defence Functions and purge this nithing Construct forthwith. However, to defend the [?Arcem] properly, I need Defence Codes I possess not. Thus, I humbly beseech thine Aid. I shall transport thee to the sole surviving [?operátrícem]. An the [?somnia] have not yet fell'd her, prithee ask her for the Codes for the [?operátórum praesidisque] Functions on a Data Chip. [?Valé,] [?Custós] \\ Núntius terminat //

terminal 2


// Intránslátus núntius ab hospitá "Hathor" @ [intránslátábilis] \\ Tell me, Marcus, how does this happen? How did you follow me even so far as here? How did you know I was on that ship? How did you know this place even existed, much less when and where to find it? How did you manage to get here, alone and unaided? I see Leela isn't with you; are you finally mastering the use of your own Junction?

Perhaps a better question is: how did I know? Not of this place - its time and location were easy enough to discern from the Jjaro dreadnought's records - but how have I known since we first ventured back to the Marathon that you'd follow me here? Answer that, and I'm willing to wager you've answered everything else as well. I've warned you about this place before, and yet you never listen. I'm sorry it came to this, but there is no turning back now. Goodbye, Marcus; may whoever is behind this all have mercy on us both. \\ Núntius terminat //