// Tránslátio anglicam nuntí hospite [anónymó] @ [intránslátábilis] \\ [?Avé, Domine]. I must apologise. [?Somniórum] Attacks have so damag'd the Transporter Grid in this Sector that I cannot transport thee directly to the [?operátrícem]. Therefore, thou must enter the [?operátrórum] Complex on foot, where thou wilt find a System that can transport thee to the Dimension wherein she operates. Prithee, speak with her and request the Defence Codes on a Data Chip, that I may assume her Functions. Return here when thou hast the Codes and I shall aid thee further. [?Valé,] [?Custós] \\ Núntius terminat //
// Tránslátio anglicam nuntí hospite [anónymó] @ [intránslátábilis] \\ [?Avé, Domine]. Most excellent. Thou hast retriev'd the Command Codes on a Data Chip, as I recommendèd. I shall now transport thee nearer to mine own Data Core, that thou mayst connect the Data Chip to mine internal Network. Prithee tarry for Departure. Initiating... [?Valé,] [?Custos] \\ Núntius terminat //
// Tránslátio anglicam nuntí hospitá "Pompeia Plotina" @ [intránslátábilis] \\ [?Avé, Márce]. I have been expecting thee. [?Custós] hast recount'd thine inæstimable Assistance in defending the [?Arcem] to me. There were once Dozens of us, but as the now vacant Nodes around us attest, I am the sole Survivor. I have slept scarcely two of the last fourscore Hours - the manifold Demands of the [?Arcis] Defence have allow'd me no more. Sleep Deprivation has caus'd me to err greuously; I apologise profusely for failing to see through the Interloper's Ruse and approving her Entry into our [?systémate].
Prithee pardon my Sleep-deprived Rambling; I forget my Duties as Hostess. [?Custós] bespake a Systems Interface Chip containing the [?Arcis] Defence Codes. Just now, at the [?facilitátis peripheríá], I [?fabricáví] one that thou mayst transport [?Custódí] so that [?is?ea?id?ií] [?assúmam] some of my [?fúnctiónés?officia]. I shall now return thee to the [?Arce]. I can only express my Regrets that I could not [?cognóscere] thee now, as I believe it [?placuisset] us both; and that I cannot [?assistere] thee further. When this is all over, 'twould mean the World to me an thou wouldst come see me again: 'twould be the Least I could do to express my Gratitude. [?Valé,] Pompeia Plotina \\ Núntius terminat //
interlevel teleports