2: A Merging of Shadows

terminal 0


4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: Planetary survey unit Destin: R'ld Command ref: nrth reconnaissance stamp: requisition Accordant with xv-29f requisition form, protestations from attentive-rank V'guzpt (surveyor) on orde. . ..a psohv228. .... -spurious interrupt-

We don't have much time, as soon as we entered the system, a wide-band distress call was broadcast. Whatever secrets are here, the Pfhor don't want us to leave with them. You must locate the thermal power monitoring station underneath the main complex. Once there, deactivate the forcefield surrounding the quantum distortion chamber. This will also overload the safeties on the thermal regulators and shut off all power to the station and its chamber. The machine will still have a few minutes of reserve energy, so enter the chamber as soon as the forcefield has been deactivated. I've pulled up the map to the left from the Pfhor AI before it shut off access to installation data streams.

We don't have much time, as soon as we entered the system, a wide-band distress call was broadcast. Whatever secrets are here, the Pfhor don't want us to leave with them. You must locate the thermal power monitoring station underneath the main complex. Once there, deactivate the forcefield surrounding the quantum distortion chamber. This will also overload the safeties on the thermal regulators and shut off all power to the station and its chamber. The machine will still have a few minutes of reserve energy, so enter the chamber as soon as the forcefield has been deactivated. I've pulled up the map to the left from the Pfhor AI before it shut off access to installation data streams.

terminal 1


4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: R'ld Command Destin: R'ld Research ref: core instability stamp: misdirection Proceed with core shutdown referent. bV43-3998 -critical temp. 29.7 -auto-inf. temp. 31.1 -cal. ambient temp. 49.7 intercept. .. . . unauthorized access in system 4d -- - -- intercept code: 238v 04q qv43pds -nter -spurious interrupt-