234.silekh.battle.v Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: 137-b silekh stamp: information Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: You are in a shuttle on board the silekh, one of the two new warships built with this new technology. Even though they are relatively small, they've already destroyed ships 25 times their size. The silekh was in a recent battle with a Nakh fleet. It's main drive was destroyed and the ship has retreated a Pfhor orbital station. My job is data collection on both the technology on board and the derivatives from the distortion components. Your job is to terminate the remaining skeleton crew. The ship is on lock down, and most of the crew is on the station. There are 2 interlink chips to access the umbilical to the station. One is in the captain's custody on the bridge, the other is hidden somewhere on this ship. They must be placed in the destroyed drive component chamber for the umbilical to activate. Once you are on the bridge, access the bridge terminal. I should achieve partial autonomy with the encrypted data by then. One note: the Pfhor of this time period (what you would call AD 3720) have small personal transporters surgically implanted. Be cautious, as soon as you are detected by internal sensors, combat units will rapidly converge on you. termfeed:__________________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 137-b Command Destin: Engineering control ref: maintenance-req. 9-7b stamp: action Referent to order 9-7b, request immediate acknowledgement of part 74vs2-f44d <fusion initiator-ß> -spe. -airn -ss -vde. -disn -sv -223. -3842 -22 lockdown init. .2 e.. .00. 1..2. end referent >
Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: 137-b silekh stamp: information Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: I have downloaded all pertinent data from this craft. There are references to a research facility located in the Insidal system. There is a Pfhor interceptor also docked at this station. Though it is an older design, it is small enough to be piloted by you. In order to gain entry, you must destroy the power junction transfer nodes in the power relay control station. There are ammunition supplies aboard several small fighter craft also docked at the station. termfeed:__________________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 23049-g tender silfernkh Destin: 79SV supply depot ref: coordinate acquisition stamp: departure 23049-g tender requests allay coord. ref. system ◊298. declension .. . descent .. .. . right Q .. . . -- -- -- -- --:::: received::::: -- -- -- -- <end log>
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 79SV supply depot Destin: 304-ty interceptor secyre ref: movdnt-steaks stamp: mon.sd.232.s Referent to asx. 33, 3,203 movdnt-steaks are on board 304-ty secyre. subsequent referents to additional movdnt-steaks will be denied based on General Order 23 <Movdnt-steak directive; subsect. 568, paragraph g: -on the nihilistic mastication of foreign subjuncts> -that is all_
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 304-ty interceptor secyre Destin: 79SV supply depot ref: movdnt-steaks stamp: mon.sd.232.s RESPL. -- -- -- -- --:::: not received::::: -- -- -- -- addtl. movdnt-steaks are requested via interconduit ord. 868-n Cpt. W'ldestn -undersign.
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 79SV supply depot Destin: 304-ty interceptor secyre ref: movdnt-steaks stamp: mon.sd.232.s Referent to asx. 33, 3,203 movdnt-steaks are on board 304-ty secyre. subsequent referents to additional movdnt-steaks will be denied based on General Order 23 <Movdnt-steak directive; subsect. 568, paragraph g: -on the nihilistic mastication of foreign subjuncts> -spurious interrupt- Good work. The next task is to revisit the same peripheral node we accessed in the past to destroy any record of our passage. The data files are encapsulated in an anti-decay ablative arrestor. The node is probably not identical in this time to the one you entered, though they occupy the same spatial coordinates. I have already engaged the engines, it will take us 180 hours to reach the node. Sit back, enjoy -there are plenty of movdnt-steaks to go around. ___________________________________________ <<- prepare for transport ->> ___________________________________________
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 79SV supply depot Destin: 304-ty interceptor secyre ref: movdnt-steaks stamp: mon.sd.232.s Referent to asx. 33, 3,203 movdnt-steaks are on board 304-ty secyre. subsequent referents to additional movdnt-steaks will be denied based on General Order 23 <Movdnt-steak directive; subsect. 568, paragraph g: -on the nihilistic mastication of foreign subjuncts> -that is all_
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 304-ty interceptor secyre Destin: 79SV supply depot ref: movdnt-steaks stamp: mon.sd.232.s RESPL. -- -- -- -- --:::: not received::::: -- -- -- -- addtl. movdnt-steaks are requested via interconduit ord. 868-n Cpt. W'ldestn -undersign.
interlevel teleports