Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: v'Lien Research Facility stamp: information Com:________________________securefeed::::: You are in the drop ship from the secyre . This river is being used to supply power to the research complex. You must find a way to enter the main complex, the eastern tower is the fastest way in. To enter the command tower and access the Pfhor computer systemm, you need to disable the command lockouts. I believe the circuits are in the eastern part of the complex. We have been unable to locate the proper command card, and we think it was hidden since the Pfhor sensors have identified us as soon as we entered the system. Already, they have requested reinforcements from the Pfhor High Command. Therefore, rather than simply transport you into the complex, you can infiltrate the base where they least expect you--the river. Also: infrared orbital sensors suggest an ammunition stockpile in the dam support towers. I will be monitoring your progress from the drop ship. Access any computer terminal you come across. We have to know how they are planning to use this technology. termfeed:_____________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: v'Lien Research Complex-ß Destin: 137-b Command ref: willful; aggregate rank interest stamp: suppression --Referent to order 2342-1f, request --immediate instruction of alpha-protocol --for queries instigated by willful ranked --units at facility. end referent >
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 137-b Command Destin: v'Lien Research Complex-ß ref: willful; aggregate rank interest stamp: disintegration >>>General Referent Protocol (2342-1a-f) >>>'any aggregate unit expressing interest >>>in alpha-orie. func. on v'Lien will >>>immediately be deglanded and >>>disintegrated. Failure to comply will >>>result in prosecution (termination) by >>>J.d342 Enforcement Unit. end protocol >
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: v'Lien Research Complex-ß Destin: Calor Research Complex-∂ ref: space-frame motion degradation stamp: regulation <Referent to omega-prime-∑¥ prot. intersp.-con =4423.24±213 without tolerances, unknown results. Request data on chamber 49∆ (regulation matter-energy conversion) Test units responses for 2433-24q3-32: -stat-pol 2-4322-23-1-01 OU493 -Quadrant-∂-Sector-44283-con. OU496 -Quadrant-ß-Sector-11129-con. OU558 -Quadrant-ß-Sector-11548-des. ---(remove from stat-pol.2) OU872 -Quadrant-∂-Sector-49583-con. -stat-pol 2-4322-23-1-01 OU923 -Quadrant-∂-Sector-56932-con. CU1582 -Quadrant-∂-Sector-42112-con. CU1582 -Quadrant-∂-Sector-42113-con. end referent >
interlevel teleports