304-ty interceptor secyre shuttle 2 Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: s-t distortion peripheral node stamp: information Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: You are in the personnel shuttle from the secyre . You have landed near the peripheral node you used in the past. We need to destroy the node and gather more data on this technology. You must destroy the main power controls. They are well protected in a separate chamber sealed with a level 9 security brace. First you must retrieve the correct uplink chip and upload the program into my data port at the bow of the shuttle. This will allow you to access the lower levels of this facility. Then you must reach the control tower and retrieve a second uplink to access the reactor subprocessor control room. You must destroy any exposed wiring to overload all maintenance and security subsystems. This will automatically lower the security field and allow you to access the main power grid. After destroying the power grid, return here and we can proceed. We need information on the Pfhor intelligence plan to implement this technology on a wide scale. There is a research facility located 29 light years from here, near Tymalt. Once we arrive, we will launch the amphibious assault craft and infiltrate the complex. termfeed:__________________________________::::
304-ty interceptor secyre shuttle 2 Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: gw stamp: cong. Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: Good work. The destruction has locked all the major subsystems of the facility, and this shuttle is lost. Prepare for transport back aboard the secyre. It will take us 35.678 days to reach the target system. I will wake you then. termfeed:__________________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: R'ld Command Destin: R'ld Research ref: core instability stamp: misdirection Proceed with core shutdown referent. bV43-3998 -critical temp. 29.7 -auto-inf. temp. 31.1 -cal. ambient temp. 49.7 intercept. .. . . unauthorized access in system 4d -- - -- intercept code: 238v 04q qv43pds -nter -spurious interrupt-
interlevel teleports