468.secyre.battle.iii Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: 139-c br'sai stamp: driver mishap Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: Welcome back. The br'sai has crippled our main deflector array. However, I have succeeded in rendering most of the Pfhor intrafleet communications inoperative (knowledge of trends in Pfhor naval technology is somewhat useful). We must transfer to the br'sai. We are now positioned 190 meters above and 40 meters astern of the ship. I have downloaded myself into a subprocessor data storage device and I've taken the liberty of implanting it behind your ear. If it itches, there is some glanding ointment in this ship's medical bay. We need to convince the rest of the Pfhor fleet to leave this system, and the only way to do that is to arm the thermal drivers. Don't worry, we won't really arm or detonate them, I will just upload a virus to make the br'sai's AI think that they are in an auto-destruct mode. If this works, the Pfhor will leave as fast as their destroyers and interceptors can go. The drivers are located on deck 1, near the gun ports. They aren't directly attached to the vessel, so you will probably have to enter through an air lock. When you have finished detaching their safeties, access the bridge computer and I will download myself into the navigational mainframe there. This is a much heavier armed ship than the silekh, though the outward appearance is similar. Be careful. termfeed:__________________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: 139-c Command Destin: Engineering control ref: personnel transfer p.232-5477 stamp: interaction Referent to order 29-1a, request personnel transfer- odi.s -Et'vrra 8th ord. aggregate assist.engineer <to>Gd'narrl Prime plan/veh odi.a -Vds'sst 8th ord. aggregate weap. quart. <to> vrrint 145-v dest. undersign.Veisl 2cd ord. willful chief eng. 139-c br'sai.end- end referent >
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: Engineering Control Destin: 139-c Command ref: personnel transfer p.232-5477 stamp: interaction Referent to order 29-1a, request personnel transfer- odi.s -Et'vrra 8th ord. aggregate assist.engineer <to>Gd'narl Prime plan/veh odi.a -Vds'sst 8th ord. aggregate weap. quart. <to> vrrint 145-v dest. undersign.Veisl 2cd ord. willful chief eng. 139-c br'sai.end- end referent > >-stamp -reject >-termin -removal (Et'vrra) >-task -attainment -dismemb >-undersign.Tsien Commanding Rank >-139-c br'sai end- -spurious interrupt-
468.secyre.battle.iii Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: driver mishap stamp: congratulations Com:_____________________________securefeed::::: Good work, the Pfhor are fleeing this system. While you explored the ship, I analyzed the data I retrieved from the atmospheric shuttle on the planet. We need to head to Cal'or Prime. That is the planet where the Pfhor have concentrated their efforts to develop this technology. I have entered the coordinates into the navigational computer and we will arrive in 139.2 days. Ah, the joys of stasis! termfeed:__________________________________::::
interlevel teleports