139.br'sai.crash- Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: unforseen stamp: sabotage Com:_____________________securefeed::::: Sorry for the rude awakening. You did not clear out all the Pfhor on this vessel. Several compilers apparently hid in the forward batteries. They sabotaged our emitter coils for the reaction drive. I had to divert course to the nearest habitable world. The good news is that there is intelligent life on this planet, so we would not be stuck here indefinitely. The bad news is that the only sentient life on this planet is a Pfhor garrison about 500 km to the north of our current position. The worse news is that they are aware of our presence and have sent a combat unit out to investigate. They should arrive in less than 2 minutes. I suggest you greet them appropriately. While you were in suspension, I noticed that there were several secret compartments apparently used for ammunition storage. Grab what you can and get to the Pfhor lander. After you dispose of the Pfhor we can use it to get to their base. termfeed:___________________________::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: CU1298 ri'nyalth command Destin: scout patrol 112 ref: hostile intruder stamp: dessication >>>>>>>>ALL AGGREGATE UNITS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< a CONVERGE AT COORDINATES q2332440q q0q48q345 s MARK COORDINATES BETA q2332452q q1q56q709 b a151t143q dp98q3p vanpds98vnq3p cxknvnq 94t qp 843a.f/.,''q34t 0q3 / -spurious interrupt-
Good. The controls of the lander are set to return to base. With luck, the Pfhor will not be ready for you when you set down. I cannot explain the behavior of these enforcers. Something is wrong. No enforcer rebellion has been documented for this time period. I will have to search the nearest Pfhor databank. The flight will take 5 hours. Be ready.
interlevel teleports