This is very different from what I expected. The creatures of this planet seem to have made this area into a sort of nest. They must have infiltrated this deck a very long time ago. If they hadn't, they wouldn't have had time to alienate it this much. It doesn't even look like it was created by the same race as the rest of the ship anymore. This place is so infested with these things that it even suggests there was an infestation on the ship before it crashed, but since these things only live on this planet, I have ruled that out as impossible. But if for some reason the ship did have a group of creatures on board before it crashed, that would explain why it lost control. There is no use speculating about it though. We will most likely never know the answer. As far as your mission down here goes, you are on the right track for now. To the left is a map of the area.
This portion doesn't seem to have been affected by the creatures as much as the others. The room you're standing in now (and several others next to it) looks exactly as it should. Interesting. The creatures are just as populated here as anywhere else. Why isn't this place infested? Again, we may never know. The chip is just ahead, listed as "C". The wires the chip will repair are shown here, listed as "A". The shields will activate instantly after the chip is inserted. Once you have restored the shields, you'll need to flip one last switch.It's listed as "B". This switch opens a door that will give you access to the fourth terminal, the only one with teleportation capabilities. This is the second terminal.The terminals are all listed by number on the map. You will find the third on the way to the final switch. Once you reach the last terminal, I will bring you back to the bridge of the ship.
Pleasant, isn't it? Of course, it's all in a day's work for us. I have run countless scans on the strange alien material here. Every last one of my scans shows that the "Rhegharr" (as they were called by my creators) could not have done this to the ship. Whatever infestation is present here, it lives in UESC space. It seems almost all of the creatures that caused the infestation (and probably the crash as well) were killed when the ship landed. The three that survived the crash were living in the chamber where the uplink chip was kept. For some reason, they seem to have stopped infesting the ship when they neared the uplink chip, and the chamber containing the chip was alienated much differently than the rest. I have no idea why they did this to the ship or why they boarded in the first place.
What I do know is that they seemed to transforming the ship into another kind of vessel, possibly one of their own. They even put some of their own data into the computers. They did no deliberate damage to the ship's systems, they just... changed them. Functions should have been unaltered. Maybe they made a mistake. One of the vital systems obviously went offline. I believe it was engine control. The beings themselves are very interesting. They seem to be made of pure energy, but they are actually made of an alloy with a very low density. It looks like energy because it has been superheated. The temperature of the alloy is right below the point where it would become liquid, thus keeping it from doing so. It would be intriguing to research how such a creature evolved.
Lyragon? What? What happened to the crew? A sad story. After the crash, the survivors foolishly set out to find food and shelter in the wilderness. The Rheghar killed them. There was no one left. The captain stayed in the ship while they were gone, but when they did not return, he died of thirst and starvation. The last switch is just ahead. With this switch flipped, you will have access to the last terminal. Go there immediately once you have flipped the switch. The sooner we get off the planet, the better.
interlevel teleports