16: This One's Pfhor You

terminal 0


This is a Pfhor station thats been annoying me lately - its one that Leela was processed through on her trip to the Pfhor Homeworld. They decompiled and recompiled her here... must've been painful. I want you to kill everyone. Roast them, fry them, I don't care. Just kill them. Find the next terminal and I'll send you along to another part of the station so we can shut it down. Go. Do this one for Leela.


Well done, now get to the other terminal you idiot.

terminal 1


I'm sending you to the backup utilities center, access the terminal so I can shut down the station.

<teleport to polygon 123>


I'm sending you to the backup utilities center, access the terminal so I can shut down the station.

<teleport to polygon 123>

terminal 2


Good work taking over this station, but you need to look around more.


::Shutting Down Station Power:: Good job. Leela will be finished within a day or so. I know she'll be glad to see you.