17: Ye Hath Returned Again

terminal 0


Welcome back to the beginning of this little adventure! I'll have Leela's core finished shortly. I've found the last of the Jjaro AIs, it was right here under our noses. I've bombarded and destroyed the eastern part of the complex, the way over there is closed. Using a stolen map of the complex I discovered a secret entrance into the Jjaro Datacore facility. I teleported down some BOBs to cut through a wall to get there. They should be done by now, so you can go through where they cut. Once you find the AI circuitry, destroy it. Access the datacore terminal so I can shut it all down. Good luck.


Go to the Datacore Terminal you fool.

terminal 1


Explore around or destroy those chips!


Good work, thats all of the Pfhor's AIs. They're pretty mad, but they won't be of much bother to us. Now that those AIs are gone, our chances of survival just jumped. I may seem omnipetent and immortal, but I can be decompiled and taken apart as easily as Leela was. I just have more defences to prevent that. I've been thinking about you lately... your future. You're going to get old one of these days. Humans can't live off of stasis pods alone. I might have a way to make you immortal, like me and Leela. I'll tell you more later.