4: Central Command Sector

terminal 0


Central Sector

::24:244:2244242::::: Hjwffb AJBW jcbbbe eab aje amw <<<INCOMING MESSAGE>>> Well... here we are, the final stage of your mission. Central Command, where everything is controlled. I have sent you to one of the maintenace areas within the Central Sector. For some reason the areas closer to the Control Room are very thick and impenetrable, so I was not able to send you closer. Not much is known of this sector due to the fact that no infiltrator has been able to get this far (the security is extremely tight). What we do know is that there are three heavy bulkheads that go to three parts of the complex. Dunno which one is the right one, and most likely you will have to deactivate things to get through them. I will try to contact you from another consol further in when you get there... but for now, good luck and watchout. <<<END TRASMISSION>>> UYG 2^@5 6@^#%^^522:ENCO**DING DECR^^PTED>@>..24

Central Sector

terminal 1


Central Sector

::;2;5 jfs.::>>.>.; ..: .;> r g,.9--.=.9.w4n45 <<<INCOMING MESSAGE>>> Hello again, Just checking in with you to see that everything is going ok...seems so. The Pfhor Leader is trying everything he can to stop you, so beware. I will try to send enough supplies for you to rid this place of any Pfhor. Info Update: It is believed that there are eight switches that must be set correctly to get into the Central Control Room. I am afraid that no one knows what where or how you go about doing this... only that there are eight of em. <<<END TRANSMISSION>>> >;>::...>:>:>>:>>> ..:>> ;.: .;>

Central Sector

terminal 2


Central Sector

<<<INCOMING MESSAGE>>> Bad news, we jus*t Fo;:;un@331 w ..,,< <Wf#%8683v5,.@52b25b2 :;::; ?...??? <<<tttraNM ISSIOm TrAerM InaTREd>.>>>>;; :::Unauthorized:::Access::: .........Alert .........Alert .........Alert

Whua wk en kwdLD 'eehs NWfm HA'naer fure ~~~~~ TRANSLATION ACTIVE ~~~~~ Well, what have we here? Ji nak MEytj dsk tsk tsk har'wart ker So your the one trying to thwart my army? Niskaje m'awjar wk slrrp jaewhn j'jaj Your feeble attempts will be your bane, Ni ejaa'anc euva ek looac eje BLARHARHAR I have been watching your progress, <laff> micae nea lipaow na'toth ma roth akwe Sela and I'm very amused. Did you not know I Faueh ranme cakew awd lowiep K'lwjfamw Have been toying with you? You have not abeB Uabeces awmn banderan akfne likkamen yet seen my army. You may continue to 'try' fooman choo benejf em f'arath efkk eeee to take me over, but you will never get ja chi joo Feash'ki passed my security portals. Faush lauh'pah. I will be watching you.... ~~~~~ TRANSLATION END ~~~~~

Central Sector

terminal 3


Central Sector

::Unauthorized Access::Epsilon::G-4:: .........INTRUDER ALERT .........INTRUDER ALERT .........INTRUDER ALERT

Peth na'ker roth ageiu amake lritjf Not taking my advice to leave? You are ~~~~~ TRANSLATION ACTIVE ~~~~~ gropfh ekk dis rathoer blarhar keejil proving to be a pain now. I will fix that. nark nark hosrht veqae kiv. Bye bye, hope you have fun. ~~~~~ TRANSLATION END ~~~~~


<teleport to polygon 579>

terminal 4


Central Command

&@6;';'45 />?~~1`234 :::"25 3:":"26 3;':":' <<<INCOMING TRANSMISSION>>> It's a shame the leader escaped before you could get him, we'll get him next time. At least we have his Headquarters. Everyone would be having one huge party right now, but we have some bad news... I tried to warn you earlier when that appalling Pfhor Leader interrupted us. A slighty dangerous Pfhor warship has just entered this solar system. It's heading right for us, and we know it has the fire-power to destroy everything... I mean everything... it can clear a nice development plot where Nor'Korh is.

Anyway, I am putting you onto a high-speed boarding shuttle, and you are to board and disable this warship. We have little, well, no schematics on this type of warship. But if the Pfhor design of ships stay the same, then the Central Nerve Vein -CNV- should be near the front as shown here. There's not much else to say right now, time is short, and we have to stop it immediatly. Hopefully your boarding party will slow them down. <<<END TRANSMISSION>>> @%2;:; ;s 9;542;' GR;;:@4 9;4

Central Comman•1I