<<<<< SHUTTLE EXODUX BRIEFING CONSOL >>>>> Statement 1: Completely disable the Pfhor warship. All Pfhor warships are mostly constructed the same. However this one, we call Hellraiser, is new and unknown to us. You must find the Central Nerve Vein (CNV) that every ship function, excluding doors and elevators, go through... this will have to be destroyed. The chamber will most assuredly be gaurded. Use caution. WARNING: Stay away from the command center. As tempting as it may be to kill the Warship Commander, the 'bridge' is not for you to mess with. He will be killed when we destroy the ship after your mission is complete. REPEAT, avoid the command center.
<<<<< SHUTTLE EXODUX BRIEFING CONSOL >>>>> Statement 2: This shuttle is equiped with a shield recharger and a pattern buffer for your convenience. We do not know what the Pfhor have on this warship, so a large supply of ammunition and weapons can be found in the aft section of the shuttle. Hopefully we have packed enough goodies for your needs. 10 BOBs have also joined your mission for breach backup. Having blown a hole in the side of their ships engineering area, they most definately will come in force.
<<<<< SHUTTLE EXODUX BRIEFING CONSOL >>>>> Statement 4: Great work on the disabling of this pitiful excuse for a ship. We will now destroy it and everything attached to it, including this shuttle. We really appreciated all the hard work and amazing strength you had to have done all this. You will not be forgotten <<<<< SHUTTLE EXODUX BRIEFING CONSOL >>>>> Statement 5: Whoops, we better transport you out before that 60 megaton quad-nuclear-warhead hits it target... Prepare for transport...
@&;7^57;.';',5872;69 h4v;,'4b 15-26m2/6.26 TRANSLATING ~~~~~~ ::::::::::CENTRAL COMMAND CENTER:::::::::: WARNING: INTRUDER ALERT STATUS: ENGAGED FOR PLANETARY BOMBARDMENT OBJECTIVE: KILL INTRUDER 2ND OBJECTIVE: DESTROY NOR'KORH ALERT ALERT ALERT All units report to command center, intruder detected on command level. Sieze and kill without hesitation. END TRANSLATION
What the hell are you doing out here? GET BACK IN THERE AND FIGHT YOU LITTLE WIMP! AND I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU FOOLIN AROUND LIKE THIS AGAIN! YOU GOT IT?!?! Geeez... try to make a neat map and someone always has to go blow themselves out a hole just to see whats out there... WELL THIS IS WHATS OUT THERE!! HAPPY?!?!? BTW, this level is hell isn't it? Wait till PART II, The return of El'Karth Pa'Korh... your nemesis. MWhahHAhHAhhahHAhaaaa
interlevel teleports