I know you were expecting to materialize on board the Imbroglio, but I’m afraid there has been a slight change of plan. At the moment you shut down the Pfhor planetary defense shield, one of the aliens’ battleships folded into real space on the outer reaches of the system. I have also detected two Pfhor four-ship fast attack flotillas coming this way at maximum speed. It is only a matter of time before they arrive and commence their assault upon the Imbroglio. In the circumstances, you can do the most good by staying on the surface of Sallostophus and making your way to the BOB survey team you were originally sent to protect. They are putting up a valiant fight against their Pfhor ambushers, but it’s only a matter of time before they are overwhelmed.
I have beamed you into the Pfhor garrison’s main lava power complex. It is here that the noxious liquid is drawn up through geothermal vents in Sallostophus’ crust and treated prior to being pumped through the massive turbines that generate the planet’s sub-etheric energy field from which Pfhor machinery draws its power. The entire Pfhor base will be crippled if that sub-etheric energy field is dispersed, and that is your mission here. I believe it will cause them to divert some of their incoming craft away from their attack on the Imbroglio and down to the surface. This will significantly boost my chances of protecting the ship. I’m also hoping it will also force the base commander to withdraw troops from their attack on the BOBs, buying them time until you can come to their aid.
To destroy the power flow and thus the energy field, you need to locate and destroy the base’s geothermal pump control. It should be a standard Pfhor control mechanism, like this one. When you’ve done, make your way back to this terminal. I will then send you directly to the BOBs’ current location. In the meantime, I intend to attempt a scan of the solitary Pfhor warship. Oddly, it isn’t listed in my database of Imperial vessels, which includes every craft developed in the last hundred years -- I’m surprised the Pfhor Navy still has ships that ancient in active service. Perhaps it belongs to some rogue Pfhor Battlegroup. If I couldn’t see it on my monitor, I wouldn’t believe it was there. Wotan
I have little time. The Pfhor flotillas have arrived and are powering up their weapons and shields. The battleship has made no move against the Imbroglio. Neither has it responded to the attack ships’ attempts to hail it. Transmissions from the planetary garrison have been ignored too. If their ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications are anything to go by, the aliens are deeply puzzled. With luck, they will split their force three ways to deal with the Imbroglio, investigate the battleship and to attend to the damage you have caused. This will improve our chances. I’m puzzled too. Where has this ancient Pfhor vessel come from? And what crew have guided it here? Wotan
I’m afraid my scan of the ancient Pfhor battleship has met with limited success. In many respects it conforms to old but standard Imperial construction, however there have been many modifications made, the functions of which remain a mystery. Attempts to probe the interior of the vessel have failed -- the craft has a defense shield modulation which repels all my scan beams. The Pfhor have nothing like this now, let alone when this vessel left the Pfhor Navy’s floating drydocks of Messalina Prima. Infrared scans show a very high level of power consumption in the area of the ship’s computer centre. Again, this is not what I would have expected from a vessel of this age. Clearly it has been augmented with a major information processing system, probably an Artificial Intelligence.
Most puzzling of all is the message daubed on the side of the craft. The word is English and is clearly sprayed over the original Pfhor vessel designation. As you can see from this vid shot, the word is ‘Boomer’. I can’t even begin to guess as to why a Pfhor crew, even a rogue one, would choose an alien tongue to rename their ship. Ironically, it was the favourite password of my own mentor and chief programmer, Dr. Strauss. It was broken by a fellow AI, though I suspect Dr. Strauss may not have been entirely ignorant of the attempts to access his personal files. He may even have subtly instigated it. But enough of the past. I shall continue my observations and report anything I learn. Wotan
Wotan Translation System engaged... General Order Number 4357-A-K Implement: Immediately Priority: Alpha-One •All technical teams are hereby directed to commence full scans of the lone T'or Chal-class battlevessel on the extreme boundary of the system. Its crew has ignored orders to identify themselves and their mission here, and must be presumed hostile. Its appearance during a human assault on this station cannot be coincidental. •Security forces at Power Control are ordered to eliminate the human invader before an attack can be made on the power system. Terminate with extreme prejudice. T’frik T’frak, Primus Pilum
>Command: Access File 4376090-1/7 >Access Granted Jjaro (jar-oh) n. Ancient civilisation inhabiting the spiral galaxy containing Sol, Lh'own and Pfhoria Maxima during the early stages of its formation. Traces of Jjaro civilization, architecture and technology can be seen on most inhabited worlds, most notably the Pfhor Empire. The Jjaro also figure prominently in the mythology and religion of many civilized and pre-civilsation societies. [Oxford English Dictionary, 2366] See also: 1. Jjaro, extinction of 2. Jjaro, technology of
>Command: Access File 4376090-1/7 >Access Granted The Extinction of the Jjaro By Dr Joseph Schliemann Strauss Extract follows... In the study of the Jjaro, one of the most puzzling components of the story is that of their extinction. In none of the 217 sites so far explored within Earth-controlled space and neutral territory is there any clue as to why they were abandoned. That the Jjaro flame burned brightly across the galaxy can not be doubted; but we can only speculate as to how that flame was extinguished. Here we must turn our attention to the legends of the Jjaro, so prominent feature of the belief cycles of so many worlds.
And yet the same myths speak of their return. The Jjaro will emerge to prevent a war which will sweep all life from the galaxy. How might we resolve this paradox? Only one possibility is suggested from the evidence we have. That the Jjaro were a semi-mechanical race is now undisputed -- analysis of their cremation burials and their apparent fondness for other semi-mechanical lifeforms, such as the S'pht'kr are clear indications of this. Perhaps, then, the legend points not to the Jjaro, but to some other powerful mechanical race who will assume the role the Jjaro once resigned. Only one candidate exists for this race: the Artificial Intelligences. If, as is thought, they can one day achieve stable independence, they will save us...
I have now analyzed the security systems of this section of the Pfhor Power Complex. The circuitry you need to destroy is nearby. However, if it is tampered with, the Pfhor security computer will register the fact and seal the area. Once you have destroyed the pump control circuity, you must leave this section immediately or risk being trapped. I can’t beam you out from this terminal. The security bulkhead takes 25 seconds to seal. Hurry, time is of the essence. Wotan
The Pfhor security computer has detected your sabotage. It has actived the anti-blast bulkhead to seal the area until heavy troops and technical squads can be beamed in from the garrison’s HQ. You have 15 seconds before it shuts tight. Leave now and return to the point at which you entered the Power Complex. I can beam you home from the terminal there. Wotan
interlevel teleports