10: Magnum Farce

terminal 0


General Order Number 1437-A-366-G Implement: Immediately Priority: Alpha-One Current shutdown of all non-willful AI units. Counterinsurgence debriefing at 09:33 hours. No unauthorized terminal use. --spurious interrupt--


Good work. The access chip you found will enable you to infiltrate the main installation where the cypher chip is kept. Prepare for transport to the station. Wotan

terminal 1


General Order Number 1437-A-366-G Implement: Immediately Priority: Alpha-One Current shutdown of all non-willful AI units. Counterinsurgence debriefing at 09:33 hours. No unauthorized terminal use. --spurious interrupt--


Good work. The access chip you found will enable you to infiltrate the main installation where the cypher chip is kept. Prepare for transport to the station. Wotan

terminal 2


General Order Number 1437-A-366-G Implement: Immediately Priority: Alpha-One Current shutdown of all non-willful AI units. Counterinsurgence debriefing at 09:33 hours. No unauthorized terminal use. --spurious interrupt--

terminal 3


General Order Number 1437-A-366-G Implement: Immediately Priority: Alpha-One Current shutdown of all non-willful AI units. Counterinsurgence debriefing at 09:33 hours. No unauthorized terminal use. --spurious interrupt--